Don't Waste Your Time - Learn How to Play Guitar Properly

Share: Author: Richard Reynolds
Author: Richard Reynolds
[body]A lot of people squander their time when they try to learn how to play guitar. It's not that they are lazy but the approach that they take to learning guitar often amounts to wasted time. If you'd like to learn how to play guitar in the shortest amount of time, you'll want to decide that you will spend time practicing and not just playing the guitar. There is a huge difference between practicing and playing. Most students probably devote around 95% of their time playing and only about 5% practicing. What this means in the most general sense, is that we spend most of our time doing things that we can already do and very little time perfecting things that we cannot do. Sadly, this generally means that your improvement at learning the guitar decreases drastically. The reason that we like to play instead of practice is that it is pleasurable. It is entertaining to play music that we already know. We feel great about ourselves because we are doing a fairly good job playing those tunes that we have learned. Even So, this does not do a great deal to enhance our skills. If you want to decrease the amount of time that it takes to learn how to play the guitar, then you should spend more time working on what you can not do. If you spend the majority of your efforts working on skills that challenge you, then you will gradually improve your ability to play these patterns. However, most people won't do this. The reason? It's simple. Who wants to fight playing things that are hard? Why would we put ourselves through this day after day? Well, just consider if you invested a few minutes every day learning something that you are not able to do. Everyday you would be improving. Here's a plan that you can employ. First of all, begin slowly. Use about twenty percent of your practice time for this. The reason for this, is that until you see the benefits it will just seem like hard work. So if you practice for one hour a day, then dedicate about ten minutes working this new strategy. Decide what you want to get better at. Ask yourself these questions: - Is there are specific chord change that I find complicated?
- Is there a scale that I have been wanting to learn?

Share: - Do I want to increase my speed with a particular scale or riff? You get the idea. Now pick one of these and work on it daily in a very methodical and precise manner. You are not here to just play but to slowly master this technique.
You will very likely find that there is some small enhancement every single day. In fact, it is a good idea to notice where you are daily so that you can record the improvement. If it is scale speed that you are working on, then note the metronome speed. At the end of a week or so, you will have unquestionably improved. You will actually have recorded proof. This will encourage and motivate you to do more. Just imagine, every day you are continually improving your guitar technique. This is the way to truly learn how to play guitar.About the Author:
Learn the strategies that the pros use to master how to play guitar. Don't waste years, practicing ineffectively. Get tips from the masters at
How to Play Guitar
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