Don't Tell Me You Are Always Hungry! I Have The Perfect Cure, Want Some?

Share: Many dieters claim they are hungry all the time
. Woefully they cry "How can I stop eating?" "How can I lose weight when all I want to do is eat?"
We have fallen victim to doing what we want to do when we want to do it. That includes eating as well as buying things! Food in many cases is our reward for things we do. It is also what we reward ourselves with when we do not feel good. We eat to handle our emotions. It does not matter how we feel, we use food to make us feel better. We throw caution to the wind when, when we are depressed. Out fat loss diet goes right out the window!
If we are sick, or mad, or unhappy, or if our lover left us, or if our kids have made a bad choice, or if our spouse won't quit watching the game and pay attention to us or if we don't have any money to go shopping, then we make ourselves feel better by eating. A big bowl of chips and dip is the answer to anything that ails us!
You know there are several things you can do to stop the overeating. It definitely helps with the hunger. It does not help at all with the binge eating we fall victim to from time to time. Sometimes we just get stressed out and the stress takes over and we eat! We stuff food in our mouth for no apparent reason. How do we stop this?

Share: Well, I have a few suggestions to help with the hunger, but binge eating is a different story all together. So let's separate the two. We are going to talk about the hunger feeling. What can we do for the hungry all the time feeling? Here goes. You can do the following and it will not jeopardize you fat loss diet plan.
1. Eat more protein. Eat a boiled egg. Drink a low sugar, high protein drink. Eat lean chicken. Protein satisfies your hunger and it lasts longer!
2. Eat more fiber. Fiber fills you up and it is a great aid to digestion. There are 3 kinds of fiber: soluble, insoluble, and resistant starch. Resistant starch is the fiber that is hard to digest. This keeps you feeling full longer and it stays with you longer. This helps keep you from being hungry and overeating.
3. Eat some of all 3 kinds of fiber. They help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
It is important you eat all 3 kinds of fibers. However, it would probably be difficult to walk into the grocery store and pick up a pound of soluble fiber, and some microwaveable insoluble fiber, and lots of resistant fiber to serve as the main course at dinner!
It would be beneficial if you knew where to find each of these fibers. It certainly would be easier to serve dinner or breakfast or lunch if you knew which foods to buy.
Oatmeal, barley rye, beans, peas and lentils, fresh and dried fruits, and most vegetables contain soluble fiber. Now don't try to serve all of these at the same meal, they don't seem compatible. I know a lot of people who love oatmeal, but I have never known them to eat oatmeal with their beans!
I think the same is true for the insoluble fibers. These fibers are found in the skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables, in wheat bran and in whole grains, including popcorn. Personally I love wheat bran as in Raisin Bran cereal, and I love popcorn, but I have no plans for mixing them! Would you like a bowl of Raisin bran and popcorn? This is a perfect way to lose fat, weight, dinner, or whatever!
It might solve your weight problem because you probably wouldn't care about eating!
That brings up to the last type of fiber and that is resistant starches. These wonderful starches are found in pasta, rice and potatoes! I can see me sitting down to eat some wonderful bowtie pasta. I would like it separated from the popcorn please!

Share: Load up on these types of fibers and you will be able to control that hungry feeling!
Now if you need to work on eating because of stress, then you need to get up off that couch and walk the dog, or go to a health studio and walk on the treadmill, or join an aerobics class. Any of these 3 things will help you get rid of the stress and you will be too tired to lift your fork to eat anything. So that will stop the overeating because you are stressed! No way you will gain weight doing this. It's a perfect fat loss diet!
Hey, the health studio will be great for keeping you fatigued and you won't even want to think about eating food because you will be too exhausted to eat! Don't call me to come and feed you either!
by: Lucy Peacock
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