Don't Pay Too Much For Hp Ink!

Share: There are many types of quality ink of the market today for modern computer users
. However, if you have a Hewlett-Packard printer, then you are limited to the inks that are made to be compatible with those models. Luckily, HP printers produce high-quality print results and most users are extremely happy with their choice. What can add up over time is the HP ink that you use in your printer model. However, you don't need to pay too much for the ink that your printer uses.
Recycle Those Cartridges
Many HP printer users stick with the printer cartridges that are manufactured and sold by the HP company. If this is your approach, don't think that you are out in the cold when it comes to savings. In fact, many major electronics and office supply stores offer quite lucrative recycling programs. In order to accumulate quality cartridges that they can refill and sell as their own store brand, they often pay for the return of name brand cartridges, including those that are originally sold as HP ink. Some shops offer as much as a $3 credit for every cartridge that is returned for recycling. These cartridge credits may be offered as a cash discount, a coupon, or a voucher that is issued when a certain credit amount has accumulated. Each store has their own policy, so check with any major office stores in your area to find the best program for saving big on ink.
Do It Yourself
While getting their hands on your ink cartridge is worth cash for some office stores, you can save even more by taking advantage of the options that you have for doing it yourself when it comes to getting usable ink cartridges. Of course, buying a store brand or remanufactured cartridge is significantly less expensive than opting for genuine HP ink. You can also purchase a kit that allows you to refill spent HP cartridges. These come with instructions. In most cases, a color cartridge will take three different ink colors that are injected in three different ink outlets, often located under the cartridge label; a black cartridge, on the other hand, holds only one color of ink that is injected into one ink sponge. Once you get the hang of refilling a cartridge, it is really simple and straightforward.
by: Mary Fatima Tabliago
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