Don't Be Another Underinsured Or Uninsured Driving Statistic A
Share: Buying cheap California auto insurance does not mean simply buying lower levels of coverage; the state minimums must still be met
. Having less than the minimum car insurance can mean not just driving illegally, but also opening yourself up to severe and significant liability if something should happen while driving.
Being involved in a vehicular accident can be very troubling on so many levels. There is the concern about possible bodily injury to both the drivers and the passengers of both parties involved in the accident. There is also the concern about the damage to all the vehicles involved and the amount of money it will cost to fix the damage including the rise in an auto insurance premium that is very likely to occur after an accident.
Auto insurance offers some security to all individuals involved in an accident that the situation will be handled in a very professional manner and all parties will be compensated for their damages. However, there are instances when one party is not insured or under-insured and this can lead to many problems. For this reason, many auto insurance companies offer under-insured and uninsured motorist coverage to protect individuals from the damage that can happen if involved with someone who is not properly insured.
There is a difference between an under-insured and uninsured driver. An under-insured driver is an individual that has auto insurance, but the insurance does not offer full financial compensation to those that are injured. All states require that drivers possess liability insurance so that if there is an accident the driver will have coverage to provide compensation to the other motorist. A motorist may have liability insurance, but the amount provided to the injured driver may not be enough to cover all the damages that were incurred in the accident. The motorist that incurred the damages can sue the underinsured driver for the unpaid damages, but this can be a very expensive and lengthy process. Under-insured motorist coverage can help an individual pay for damages that are not covered by an under-insured motorist and prevent the need to sue someone to recover for unpaid damages. It can also reduce the possibility of an individual going into debt to pay for expenses that were not covered by the under-insured driver's auto insurance. Uninsured drivers fall under the same category as under-insured drivers except these individuals are not insured at all. Uninsured drivers pose more of a financial risk to motorists because there is not an auto insurance company to offer compensation for any injuries. The uninsured motorist will be personally responsible for paying for all damages. It is very unlikely that an uninsured motorist will be able to compensate a motorist for injuries either bodily or to personal property when that same motorist could not maintain auto insurance.
Share: Coverage for under-insured and uninsured motorists can provide compensation for bodily damage and property damage, although this varies between states. Coverage for bodily damage will compensate an individual and all the passengers in the individual's car for any bodily damage that occurred from an accident involving an under-insured or uninsured motorist. Usually this coverage will work in conjunction with any health insurance that the individual possesses. There are limits on how much each person will be compensated for bodily damage. In addition, there is also coverage for property damage. This usually refers to the vehicle that is damaged during the vehicular accident. Having this type of auto insurance coverage is not required, but it can be very beneficial if an individual wants to avoid the financial damage that can occur when dealing with individuals that are under-insured or uninsured.
by: Rudy Haynes
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