Dog Training Tips

Share: At this day in age pitbull breeders are everywhere
,they are breeding for a certain style of pitbulls, its either pocket style or xxl, heres the difference between the two, pocket style pits are very short and small pitbulls, xxl pitbulls are about 18-22 inches in height and weigh between 75-100 lbs. The blue pitbulls is by far the most popular color out of the pitbull colors. Tri color pitbulls are starting to become a high demand in the dog world because of its unique color.
Puppies still sell for a nice size price, although breeding and raising a litter of pups can be a tough task.If you are going to become a breeder I highly suggest you do some research and find out what it takes to be a dedicated and responsible dog breeder.If you decide to breed pitbulls it should be a planned breeding.At about 4 weeks of age is when you job will really begin to start.Your puppies need to be fed 2-3 times per day, you will have to clean up behind them atleast 2-3 times a day.You must take your pups to the vet to recieve the proper shots and for regular check ups.
If you choose to raise pitbull puppies here is a close insight of the experience you will go through.You have to properly crate train your puppy, when you first put your pup inside its crate it will begin to either bark or whine but dont bite the bait.When your puppy calms down and stops barking open the crate door and give it a treat and a nice rub on the head, by doing this you are letting the puppy know when that its supposed to be quiet inside its crate.Dont leave your young pup in the crate for long hours.Pitbulls need exercise daily I would recommend walks and plenty of room to run the yard.
Always be the leader of the pack, you as the owner must take the lead.If your puppy knows it can get away with doing bad things it will only get worse.You need to give corrections when your dog does something you dislike,if you give your dog corrections your dog grow to become a dominant adult dog.Educate yourself on dog obedience and dealing with aggression.There are countless dvds and books out there that deal with thses subjects.Please keep in mind that need your puppy need alot attention to become sound a dog.Consistensy is the key to all types of success.
by: Sylvester Hewings
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