Does Your Star Sign Match Up With Your Favourite Celebrity?

Share: Celebrities! We love them because they entertain us in some way
. They look good and they can act, sing, or speak, like we wish we could. They are paid well and live the good life we'd all like to have for ourselves. But when it comes right down to it, they put their pants on one leg at a time, just the same as you and I.
Ever wonder how they became so successful while the majority of us just remain in our boring day to day routine? Were they born underneath some lucky star?
Maybe checking their astrological signs can give us a little insight into how they became who they are today.
You can compare your favourite celebrity's star signs to yours and see what differences, if any, there may be. The odds are, they just got lucky and were in the right spot at exactly the right time. Well, that and the fact they do have some extra talent that the majority of us are lacking.

Share: Reading the star signs can give those who believe in them, an indication as to what to expect from tomorrow, next year, or well into the future. The year twenty ten is the year of the white metal Tiger and we can expect serious changes in each area (or sphere) of our lives. The year twenty ten will prove to be quite a successful time for all of the Zodiac signs, but will also be somewhat unstable. Financially, times may be tough, but the spiritual side will bolster us all up, making the money problems ahead seem small and trifling by comparison.
How does your favourite celebrity fit into the grand scheme of things? Well they were born sometime, just as you and I. They have a star sign and an astrological forecast that may even mirror ours.
You can look up your celebrity idol using any search engine. Their personal information should be available, including their date of birth. When you have that, all you need to do is search for astrological signs and put in their info. Say the celebrity you are interested in is Eric Clapton. Info on him is readily available and will show he was born on March 30, 1945. That makes him an Aries (the Ram) and the signs say he and other Aries have strong will power and tend to be obstinate at times. They are natural born fighters and organisers. Aries are successful in almost any endeavour they pursue, especially financially. This may well fit Eric Clapton; how does it work out for you?
We cannot expect our horoscope to describe us exactly, because they are pretty generalised by nature. However you can get a pretty good idea as to what we can expect our lives to be like in most areas, in particular the probabilities and personality traits. Gemini's for instance, tend to be independent in nature and stubborn in many respects. They are also usually very successful in whatever they do with their lives. Paul McCartney is an example of a Gemini celebrity star and his sign matches his profile pretty closely. He has been extremely successful throughout most of his life as a member of the Beatles, then Wings, and individually as well.
by: Lawrence White
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