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Does Kissing injure your teeth?

Does Kissing injure your teeth?

Does Kissing injure your teeth?

Does it hurt when you capture your Palate Expander Aplience rotten?

I currently have the Expander and top braces only. I am getting the expander past its sell-by date on July 30th, and getting more braces put on. But my question is does it hurt when it gets taken sour? Thanks :) Hmm i wonder...because i am getting...

Does it hurt when you obtain your braces past its sell-by date?

Im getting mine off today. depends on the orthodontist. Personal experience How did it feel? Yes it will, but its worth it no, you should not feel any niggle getting them off. However, you will need to wear your retainer every hours of darkness in order...

Does it hurt when you seize a tongue ring?

why don't you go poke a needle through your tongue and see? for everyone its different, but for me it hurt so doomed to failure, that im never taking it out lol its kinda like a tattoo, it depends on how tolerate you are with affliction. usually it doesnt hurt when...

Does it hurt?

to get braces? Ok, when I got my braces it didn't hurt until conceivably an hour afterward. Then it hurts to chew. I wasn't in agonizing pain but it sure as hell wasn't comfortable. Eat soft foods for a couple of weeks and give somebody a lift it easy. honey dont listen to them. it...

Does it hurt..getting braces on? ?

getting em tomorrow n m really scared... =( dont be startled. =) right when you get home take some tylenol because you might grain some pain. (it feels resembling your teeth are sensitive and sore) every person is different on the intensity of the pain. one suggestion my doc give me was to...

Does it issue that my teeth are not unflawed?

Well basically my 2 front teeth are slightly but noticeably crossed over and im awfully conscious about it and afraid of what people cogitate and there is nothing I can really do to revision it unless I save up which is easier said than done & but if I ask my family...

Does It Matter If I Don't Get A Crown On My Route Canel?

Does It Matter If I Don't Get A Crown On My Route Canel? Why Or Why Not? Experience ;) Yes it does. After the root canal treatment, the dentist will put a impermanent filling in place. But you must attain a crown on it, ussually...

Does it minister to if I double or triple the rubber band on my braces?

I was just wondering if put 2 or 3 instead of one rubber fastening in the instructed places , will it help ? I be going to , will it make my teeth look good faster ? Cause I've have my braces for 2 years and...

Does it miserable your teeth are moving if they are sore?

I had braces over two years ago and im still wearing my retainer at nights. i own been fine and not noticed any movement apart from slighty my two front teeth because one of them protrudes a tiny bit more than the other. anyway ending two weeks my front tooth(the...

Does it nouns resembling I broke my tooth?

A few weeks ago, there was this small, nacho-shaped point that was at the way support of my mouth were my molar is growing in (I'm 12) and it be moving! I didn't know teeth could move. Then when I bit an apple, I felt it again, it came sour! And there's...

Does it quality really suitable to own your braces rotten?

woo! I get mine off surrounded by 2 days! i'm soo excited! only thing I'm not looking forward to is the molding for the retainer. =P ick! haha. so, how does it perceive to get them off? Its AMAZING! It's silly but it's incredibly satisfying to just run your tongue along...

Does it spawn a difference if...?

Ok so I went to the orthodontist 4 years ago before I get my wisdom teeth out b/c my canines are crooked and have a chink due to it. He said that invisalign won't work. My only choice was braces. I done up not getting my teeth fixed since my wisdom teeth had to come...

Does Jaw Surgery hurt?

:o, haha im curious if i should do it or not. I haven't had it, but I'm sure within would be a bit of tenderness after the surgery. But you will probably be given some nice meds to help next to that. The surgery itself should be painless if the dentist has given you an adequate...

Does kissing a personality beside sensitive teeth create one's teeth sensitive?

nopee, not that i know of. No, you Shouldnt/wont enjoy a problem kissing someone, your teeth primarly become sensitive from cold drinks, ice -cream and in more extreme cases, breathing cold nouns. im sure youl be fine.. have fun :P Hope this helps, -Sam um,...

Does Kissing injure your teeth?

I know that question seems stupid, but when I be younger, older members of my family unit used to say I had be kissing too many boys when I lost a tooth. Is there any relation between kissing and dental form? Or were they just individual odd lol. Thanks They were a short time...

Does knowledge teeth hold adequate force to shift eternal teeth?!?

went to my dentist today and he said good word we just need 1 out which is not the impacted one. I saw the x-ray and i saw one that be growing horizontally and he said i dont need it out since it is so low i am 21 now and...

Does knowledge tooth removal hurt?

i went to the doctor today and he told me that he could pull it of within 5 minutes cause my case is confident i asked him if it was going to hurt and he told me no i want to ask people that have this tooth removed, does it really hurt? thanks...

Does LISTERINE especially aggressive?

Does Listerine very aggressive to the gums, teeth, etc ... It can be diluted in hose down? Yes, it is a tremendously strong mouthwash. You can dilute it if you want. I don't see why not. Listerine is great for the teeth and gums full strength. I've been using Listerine for approx....

Does listirine whitening pen work? shud i use it? i obligation my teeth white by sunday, and i own rlly yelow ones?

HELP? The only way you are going to hold really white teeth in that short amount of time is to use some Crest White Strips. They really work and you start to see results in the first 2 or...

Does Local Anesthesia numb the bone while doing oral surgery?

I am having oral surgery to extract a pre molar. This may require the dentist to cut a portion of my bone. Is the bone numb when the oral surgeon administers local anesthesia? Will it hurt when he is going to chip away a quantity of my bone to free the...

Does Medicaid contained by NY cover terracotta braces?

so i just received a letter from the communication saying that im finally approved for braces by medicaid, so they'll cover the whole item. my mom says id be getting them subsequent month, so im just wondering if medicaid would let me choose clay braces than traditional metal ones? and if they dont,...

Does Medicaid cover Invisalign? Or regular braces?

I'm SOO self conscious when it comes to my teeth. They aren't straight..and I could just go on.. I lately got approved for Medicaid and should be receiving my ID Card any light of day now. But, I was only just wondering if Medicaid would cover the expenses for Invisalign/Regular Braces? Thank You!...

Does rinsing your mouth out near aromatic dampen hurt teeth?

My gums are really really sore every time i brush them so i need to rinse with flavoursome water but if i rinse after i brush does that damage my teeth or doesn't it effect it? try some peroxide and some warm dampen. if that don't work go and see...

Does rinsing beside your mouth out near marine after using toothpaste interrupt your teeth over time?

I've heard opposite sides of the argument and I really want to find out. Help ! no. That is what you are suppose to do. You are not suppose to swallow toothpaste or toothpaste residue. You are suppose to rinse...

Does root strait hurt? HONESTLY. don't try to startle me, and don't be too soft. :)?

Also, whats the procedure like? do they put you under? numb you? gas you? Id love to hear personal experiences. :) Thank you! if the tooth is already dead ..discolored medium notin to worry u wont feel anything ..if it...
Does whitening toothpaste wear the enamel rotten your teeth? Stem Cell Research Landmark:vTeeth Extract a Good Source for Stem Cell You Know You Need Teeth Whitening in St. Petersburg Are You Looking For A Teeth Whitening Clinic In Harley Street? Regular visits to the Dentist Teeth Whitening Part Of Aesthetic Dentistry Occasional Visit to a Dentist Is a Must Pre Family Dentistry: What To Do Before And During Your Pregnancy Double Digits In The Dental Trade Implant Dentistry- A Viable Treatment For Missing Teeth Get A Perfect Smile With General Dentistry Family Dentistry - Tips To Find The Right Dentist For Your Whole Family Five Ways A Seattle Dentist Can Make You Smile Big
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Does Kissing injure your teeth?