Does California Require Auto Insurance?

Share: California, like most states in the union, requires all drivers have at least liability insurance in order to legally operate a vehicle
. This means that if you're caught without insurance, whether through a random stop or, worse, after an accident, you can be fined and even serve jail time. Worse yet, you will have to pay for any damages you cause out of pocket. If you live in California, purchasing San Diego Auto Insurance is not only the law, but it can save you thousands of dollars in repairs if you are in an accident.
Purchasing Chula Vista Auto Insurance is a smart thing to do, whether it is required by law or not. Even liability insurance, which is usually the minimum amount of coverage available, will protect you if you are at fault in an accident. Accidents are always a potential, even if you are a safe driver.
In a state where insurance is mandatory, you can get stopped at any time and asked for proof of insurance. You might have a tail light out that you didn't know about and get pulled over. If you can't provide proof of insurance, you can lose your right to drive immediately and you might be subjected to fines or even jail time, especially if you are a repeat offender.
But what if you think you can't afford
Auto Insurance San Diego? Luckily, California has a low cost insurance program that makes it easy for anyone on a low or fixed income to get insurance. You can apply in person or online. This program has helped thousands of people who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford car insurance find the coverage that they need to keep their vehicles on the road. In effect, if you can afford to buy a car, you can afford to buy car insurance.
The reason that most states have mandatory insurance requirements is because it makes the state, as a whole, much safer. And it will keep you and your family safe, too. Paying for damages to other vehicles or fines can ultimately cost you more money than paying monthly for insurance. Yes, California does require its residents to have auto insurance, but it's also good common sense.
Respect the law! Get affordable insurance with us!
http://www.sandiegoautoinsurancenow.comby: Johnny Lowery
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