Do you really need a "High Risk" Auto Insurance Policy?

Share: Do you really need a "High Risk" Auto Insurance Policy
If someone has a less than perfect driving record, they may believe that they need to go into the "high risk pool." That is not always the case, however. Here are a few different ways to determine if you require one of the available high risk auto insurance policies available today.
What Are High Risk Auto Insurance Policies?
High risk auto insurance policies are required for different risk groups. When a driver is given this distinction, it can prove to be very costly. There are, however, different ways to determine if you really need to carry type of insurance.

Share: High risk auto insurance policies can cost at least two or three times more than a standard insurance policy. Historically, these policies were hard to find and even more difficult to afford. Now, they aren't quite as difficult to acquire, however, they can still be quite costly.
High Risk Auto Insurance Policies
There are a number of different criteria that may require an individual to research high risk insurance policies in Illinois. For example, if you have been arrested for a driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI), that can put you in the high risk pool. Often a person charged with a driving while intoxicated infraction will usually result in a license suspension. Those are two main criteria for being put in the high risk pool, which will result in the need to research high risk auto insurance policies.
While some may consider it age discrimination, those who are over age 70 and under age 20 are often placed in the high risk pool for those investigating different auto insurance policies. This is due to the high percentage of individuals in those two age groups are more likely to have auto accidents more often than those between the ages of 21 and 69.
If you are an individual who has been involved in several accidents and found at fault or received multiple moving violations, you may require one of the high risk auto insurance policies available. When someone is involved in an accident or are ticketed for speeding, running a red light or ignoring a stop sign, those can add not only DMV points, but add on insurance points.
These are only a few different ways a driver can end up in a high risk pool. Others include unpaid tickets and driving a high performance vehicle. All of these issues can find a driver looking for an SR22 policy.
Ultimately, it is important to ask about specific requirements for high risk poolauto insurance policies in your state. What may be a high risk in one state may not be in another state. This will help you identify exactly what type of coverage you require and how much it will cost.
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