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Do Your Part To Help By Automobile Donation

Do Your Part To Help By Automobile Donation

It seems that all we hear about these days is the bad that people are doing

. Turn on the nightly news and your ears are sure to be filled with horror stories right in the local area and across the globe. But, you do not have to include yourself in these statistics. If you are a caring person who wants to prove there are still good people in this world, automobile donation is an excellent way to do it.

How can Auto Donation help an Organization?

Automobile donation charity organizations can greatly benefit from your donation. Whether your vehicle is running or in need of repairs, the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project will take the vehicle off of your hands and put it to great use. Some vehicles are sold to the highest bidder to bring money in to the organization; other vehicles are used by patients. Either way, you can rest assured that you have done a great thing that will greatly benefit another person.

Vehicle donation is available in all 50 states. Whether you are in California or Rhode Island, the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project can arrange for pick-up of your vehicle. You'll receive a tax receipt that can be used when you file your yearly taxes, with the full amount of the vehicle offered to help reduce the money that you owe to the IRS.

Show the World

It may seem as if there are no good people left in this world, but that is far from the truth , and you can be one who helps prove that statement. This charity needs all of the support they can get to bring awareness to Prostate Cancer as well as provide help, treatment and support to men who are already suffering. Your generous donation is one huge way that you can help them out.

Do not wait a day longer to inquire of automobile donation. Your vehicle could help out so many others while getting the vehicle that you do not need out of your way and out of your life. Combined with the tax breaks and the rewarding feeling that you will find, this is the way to show your support!

by: Donald Lewis
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Do Your Part To Help By Automobile Donation