Do You Know the Best Position to Get Pregnant Fast?
Do You Know the Best Position to Get Pregnant Fast
Most women nowadays are putting away childbirth in favour of their career. And they will find it difficult to conceive when they are ready. All it takes is the co-operation between you and your partner in order to get pregnant fast. And the most favourable way to achieve this is by understanding the best position to get pregnant.
Do you know that your intercourse position has to do with conceiving a baby? If you do not know now you know. It is most especially for those women who are finding it difficult to conceive. So the best position is when the man sperm get set down near the cervix. It is vital because the life span of an egg is between 12-24 hours completely different from the life span of a sperm, a sperm can stay active for about 4-5 days. Therefore you can conceive once egg travels down through the fallopian tube to the uterus and the sperm meets it for fertilization.
One of the best positions to get pregnant is by using the missionary style. The man will be on top of the woman and it will be easy for penetration, using the missionary style will direct the sperm to the cervix. One very good position is the doggy style it can help you conceive easily. Another position is by raising the hip of a woman with a pillow; it allows for profound penetration and allows the free flow of cervical mucus which takes the sperm along with it.
You can also use the side by side style for conception easily. It has been very difficult for some couples, but the ones that tried it have their children with them now.
For you to get pregnant fast you have to try any of the position listed above in this article and then be ready to carry your baby in few months time.