To have a true online presence you must simply BE ONLINE! There is nothing that we hate seeing more than someone who has decided to come online to start network marketing and they aren't active. They don't have a post and picture or information about anything! It's like they signed up to do nothing and not only are they wasting their own time, they are wasting ours as well. Don't start and not finish and expect to win because that is not how success works. Work makes success work so with that you can build an online presence and develop yourself as the online guru you want to become.
Social networks are great ways to build an online presence.
There is no better way to get people to get to know who you are as a person then to be apart of a social network where you can post and be you online. It not only is a good way to self brand but also and great way to start a presence online for people to know that you are not a robot, but in fact a real person trying to be successful online just like they are. With social networks like Facebook and Twitter you can meet all kinds of people who are just like you. There is nothing better than meeting someone else online who islike mindedand who has similar goals. Believe us, just as excited as you are to meet them they are just as equally excited! So take advantage of the social networks --hey they're free and they have just all of the tools you need to build an online presence.
Now another venture which still relates to the social network online presence is to use YouTube and Skype. This may not be for everyone because some people just aren't comfortable in front of a camera. To us this is a little foolish because you will never succeed in life if you don't step out of your comfort zone. Plus, if you do something over and over again eventually it gets easier and you'll soon become so good at it, it will become second nature ((food for thought)). But back to YouTube and Skype. There is just something about being able to sit and look at someone talk directly to you that changes the way they view you. They can hear your voice, see the way you move and even hear you laugh, it's better than just seeing you type lol. All of the sudden you're not so much of a stranger. Your presence is felt through the computer screen. Do you see how this works?!
Your goal when developing an online presence should be to let people not only see who you are but to also feel who you are through the computer. For some people you may only know them over the computer screen and you want them to know who you really are. No one wants to be sold and no one wants to feel like they can't relate to you. In our opinion the stiff businessman is not friendly online and it makes us feel a little uncomfortable. You can help more people being you, so build your online presence doing just that. You already have it in you so now is the time to show people what you're made of build your online presence, it matters!
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