Do Mlm Autoship Programs Still Work?

Share: In network marketing you can make money retailing products
. One of the best ways to make recurring commissions is to set up your customer on autoship.
This is where the product is automatically shipped to your customer every month. The MLM company takes care of this for you. You make the initial sale and many times this is done automatically on your company provided MLM retail website.
MLM Autoship Programs-Nutritional Products
Autoship was made popular in network marketing businesses that featured nutritional products such as vitamin supplements. These products are used up every month and need to be replaced.

Share: From a distributor's perspective this is great because the company ships the products for you automatically. There is no need to contact your customer and get the order from them. You do not need to remind them to place their order either because it is shipped automatically.
The really good network marketers do keep in touch with there customers to find out how everything is going. This is a good way to get additional orders that are not on autoship. It is also a good way to ask for referrals and build your retail customer base.
Autoship is good for retail commissions. You earn your commission without needing to order products, deliver them, and collect from your customer. You also get paid every month so you can count on a certain amount of repeat retail business.
From a customer standpoint this is great because the product automatically comes to them. They do not need to worry about reordering.
The downside is people forget to use the products and over time it begins to build up a backlog. The answer to this is to call the MLM company and skip a month. As a distributor you can help your customers by keeping in contact with them and managing their autoship order.
MLM Autoship Programs-Digital Products
With online marketing there is no backlog of products if they are digital. The customer accesses the products online so autoship works very well. Internet marketing programs sometimes refer to this concept as a continuity program. Some people call them membership sites.
With these type of products the value is in the archived training as well as updated information added to the product or membership site. You can log in and use your membership anytime you want.
This is great for building a worldwide business. You see it in MLM programs such as online shopping, Internet marketing training, eBooks, website hosting, domain names, and so on. Digital based MLM is a great way to make money online and not worry about your customer putting their order on hold because they have not used up last month's order.
Autoship does still work regardless of the business model if you provide a quality product that people use up and need every month.
by: Jeff Schuman
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