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Do-It-Yourself Business Cards

Do-It-Yourself Business Cards

Do-It-Yourself Business Cards

Do-It-Yourself Business Cards

When starting a business, money may be tight. Sometimes, you have to be practical and penny-pinch on certain aspects. You may have to improvise on your promotional materials, for example. If you can do it yourself and not rely on commercial presses, you can just make your own brochures, posters, or business cards. Printing can be expensive, so if you are quite tech-savvy and have a little design flair, make your own do-it-yourself business cards.

Making business cards are very affordable. One, you only need a personal computer with a Microsoft Office program, paper, and of course, printer with ink. Two, you can customize it according to your own flair for design. You need not to hire a professional designer to make a business card for you or hire a commercial press to print it out.
Do-It-Yourself Business Cards

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make business cards using Microsoft Office:

Open your Word program and click Tools, Mailings and Envelopes, and then Labels. Click Options on the Labels tab.

Click Avery Standard on the Options dialog box. Scroll down and click Product Number 5371.

Go back to the dialog box in Mailings and Envelopes. Under print, make sure that it says Full Page of the Same Label. Click New document.

A table with uniform cells will appear. On the first cell, create your first D-I-Y business card. You can put a logo by inserting an image from a file. Place it accordingly on the cell.

Then, put all the contact information you have on the card. Limit it, though, to your mobile number, office number, email address, fax number, and website. Do not forget to put your name, position, and company.

Copy the first card on the remaining cells. Double check if the other cards have the information. They may be cut to fit print.

Put a grid on your cells so that you can cut them accordingly once printed. Click Table, Select Table, Format and then Borders and Sharing. Click Grid and choose Gray 25%. Change the width to point.

Print it out and start cutting the grid lines. Use a paper cutter so that the lines are cut evenly.

Aside from making your own design for your business cards, there is another option, though. Templates are available, sometimes for free, over the internet. Look up for free templates for business cards, and you will have a wide array of options. These templates may come with interesting graphics or interesting designs. You just need to edit the contact name and information, and you can already print it for use.

Business cards need not to be fancy, though. You do not have to put a lot of graphics, texts, or images on the card. Simplicity is always a key. Make it always professional-looking, too. Bear in mind that the person who you will give the card to cares more about your contact information rather than the design. Thus, always check the content. Make sure there are no misspellings or wrong information contained.
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