Do I Have To Pay To Post Ads?

Share: Not if you find a site that is a free ads site! There are three main types of classified ads sites where you can post ads
. You have the sites that are 100% free. These will not contain any fringe benefits and are going to be some of the basic ads you will ever see. The sites are completely free, yes, but is this really in YOUR best interest if you are selling something? Maybe. Maybe not. The second type of classified ads sites are the ones where you HAVE to pay. They won't even let you create an account unless you pay a membership fee.
And by the way, just because its paid, doesn't mean its any more luxurious or any less efficient. It all depends on the website. These sites might make you pay a one time fee or they might make you pay per month - again it depends on the website. Lastly, you have the free classifieds sites that have optional paid services. These are the ones that I like the best because I'm not being forced into anything. I can make my own choices if I want the ad to have these extra benefits. Or, I can leave my ad the way it is. If you do choose the optional features, depending on the website, it still will be pretty close to free because the price is so low. Compared to the sites that MAKE you pay versus the sites that give you the option to pay, the prices are significantly lower.
For example, a site like USFreeAds will make you pay a monthly fee of close to $20 a month. Whereas an optional fee site might give you all the fringe benefits as the paid one, but the options are a few dollars. You could even buy ALL the optional features for less than it would cost on the $20 site. Option features might include things like:
Featured Ad:

Share: Why Go Featured?
- Featured ads are seen first in ALL listings
- Featured ads are highlighted when shown
- When an ad is shown, random featured ads from the same area and category are promoted
- Each time the first page is loaded two random featured ads are shown
- Featured ads are 60% more efficient than normal ones
- Google Adsense/Banners do not appear in Featured Ads
- Go featured now and STAND OUT!
Post to all cities in current state (only for USA):
- Increases visibility of your ad by posting it to all cities in the state
Post Ad To All Cities In The Country:
- Increases visibility of your ad by posting it to ALL cities in the Country
- This feature will post your classified ad to all 242 US locations!
- This is the best option to choose, especially along with Featured, if you want to reach thousands of potential buyers
As you can clearly see, the optional benefits would definitely give you more bang for your buck. I mean, buying a featured ad on most other sites would cost you hundreds of dollars, but on some of these free ads sites, it could cost just under $4.00. If that isn't a superb optional ... option, I don't know what it is. Now you can post free ads, in the sections you want, and get the "leads" you really are in search of.
by: Kristi Ambrose
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