Ditch The Commute And Work From Home!
Share: A home-based business has such an incredible variety of advantages! Keep this in
mind as you sit in your car on the gridlocked highway, hoping for a momentary break in traffic so you can bolt toward your office, barely arriving in time. When you really think about it, how many days do we spend tied up in traffic, with nowhere to go and nothing to do? Wouldn't you like a real change toward financial freedom?
Many of us have forgotten what a real recession tasted like until recent times, and it's certainly not something to look forward to. If you have managed to survive this one with your 9-to-5 job intact, count yourself lucky and start to reflect on the value of your economic independence once more. Take action to ensure your own future!
If you're able to work from home, you'll have the freedom to do as you please. You won't have to clock in or out, have a schedule to keep, have to concern yourself with "fitting in" with everyone else or worry if your suit is perfectly pressed before you hurry into the office every morning.
Of course, there are expenses involved in establishing a home-based business, but just take a moment and imagine how much money you would save in driving costs alone. These days, fuel is rapidly turning into a high-priced commodity, and without notice, it's often subject to colossal price increases, and don't forget the expense of keeping your vehicle in good shape, bearing in mind that driving to and from work accounts for the majority of that annual cash payout.
When you work for yourself you can dictate your hours and conditions. Of course you will need a great work ethic and have to know all about time management before you even consider doing this, but if you are dedicated to your future and that of your family you can get really excited about the prospect of potential earnings. You won't have to go, cap in hand, to your boss anymore to ask for a raise and worry about all the political ins and outs of the hiring structure.
Working from home allows you to consider potential tax benefits as well. Often you will be allowed to claim some of your operating expenses, including a percentage of your rent or mortgage payment. Part of your utility costs, building maintenance costs, repairs and improvements may also be deductible and if you use your vehicle for the business, that goes in too!
Our weekly work schedules often lead to us spending little time with our families and before we know it, the kids have grown up and we have missed some of the great times. Working from home allows the entrepreneur to be within reach of the family more often and while work must always be prioritized and kept separate from other home activities, there will be a lot more flexibility and time available if needed for those family emergencies.
The thought of being an entrepreneur and taking control of your own destiny is a very powerful motivator for many. Get involved with a home-based business and your commute can be a very simple one indeed!
by: Robert Clarke
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