Discover Which Halitosis Treatment Is Best To Eliminate Bad Breath
There are countless halitosis treatment products sold every day and each one of them makes the claim that they are the best at eliminating foul breath
. Learn what really works for getting rid of bad breath. The odor in your mouth is not necessarily from what you eat, but rather from how long the food particles remain in between your teeth or on tongue. Another thing that can cause bad breath is phlegm produced by a cold or allergies.
The foul smell you have in your mouth from certain foods, like onions or garlic, occurs not only when eat them, but also when the food is absorbed into bloodstream and transferred to your lungs and then breathed out. I never would have guessed that the awful smell in my mouth could be from my lungs, but it is a proven fact. Fortunately for you and others, this smell is only temporary. The only halitosis treatment for the consumption of onions or garlic, is to avoid those foods when you are around others whom you do not want to offend.
The very best halitosis treatment is a good oral hygiene routine, it is the only sure way to get rid of the bacteria in your mouth that is causing most of your bad breath. A good routine includes brushing your teeth at least two times a day, using dental floss to get out food that is lodged in between your teeth, using a tongue scraper to lift off the bacteria film that coats your tongue and finishing with a good antibacterial mouth rinse.
When you are eating out and you cannot brush your teeth or use a tongue scraper, rinse your mouth with water. The water will loosen some of the bits of food trapped in your mouth, and is a good first step in a halitosis treatment. Rinsing with water will not kill the bacteria but it will give it less to feed on.
Another halitosis treatment is to keep your mouth wet. Dry mouth is another cause of bad breath. When your mouth is dry you do not have enough saliva. Saliva is your mouths' natural mouthwash, it contains properties that aid in digestion and kill bacteria. When there is not enough saliva in your mouth, the bacteria will multiply and cause an odor.
Chewing sugar free gum will help to keep your mouth wet, sugar free is necessary because sugar leaves protein in your mouth and this is what bacteria feed on. Do not use breath mints as a halitosis treatment, most of these contain alcohol, which will actually dry your mouth more than, if you did not have one at all.
For your halitosis treatment remember to avoid alcohol, cigarettes and breathing through your mouth which can dry your mouth, keep up with brushing your teeth, flossing, using a tongue scraper and rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash.
Occasionally bad breath can be caused by a health condition. If you cannot get rid of your bad breath by trying the different halitosis treatment plans that were discussed here, you may need to see your doctor.
by: Jean Weindoop
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