Discounts On Women's Car Insurance - Sometimes Being a Woman Is a Good Thing!

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In spite of the misguided notion that men are better drivers, the fact that women's car insurance can be cheaper is proof to the contrary.
Through studies done by various vehicle insurance companies, the fact that women are generally safer drivers has been proven. Typically, women are far less aggressive behind the wheel. They take fewer risks, have fewer accidents and are far more safety conscious than men. Accidents involving women tend to result in less damage and fewer injuries and fatalities than those involving men. Women also drive more practical cars with smaller engines and travel fewer miles annually.
It is for those very reasons that some insurance companies actually favor insuring women over men and will offer them discount incentives. That is not to say that discounts are completely gender biased. The methods for getting cheaper vehicle insurance are the same for both men and women, it's just that women are recognized by insurers as being less of a risk behind the wheel than men are.

Share: The Internet has made the task of shopping around for the best car insurance rates a breeze so, if you are looking for cheap women's car insurance, the best place to start is right here - online. There are any number of good insurance rate comparison web sites available to further simplify the process. You may even qualify for a discount just for shopping online.
When shopping for the best deal, here are some universal tips that will help anyone, male or female get a better car insurance quote:
Practical cars will be cheaper that sporty cars.
Older cars are cheaper to insure than new ones.
A good credit score will help keep your premium down.
Requesting higher deductibles, will lower your costs substantially.
Dropping comprehensive and collision coverage on a low value vehicle will make a huge difference.
Estimating a lower annual mileage will also save you money.
A car equipped with safety features will get a better rate.
Taking a defensive driving course will help.
And, of course, a clean driving record is a must for cheaper rates.
Remember, the economy is sluggish for everybody. Businesses are competitive and that includes car insurance companies.
To get the best possible discounts on women's car insurance, or any ones for that matter, do your homework first. Don't settle for a quote that "sounds okay" - pit one company against the other and compare their offers. When companies have to compete for your business - you win - with a cheaper premium!
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Discounts On Women's Car Insurance - Sometimes Being a Woman Is a Good Thing! Seattle