Disability Insurance – Life Is Going Well

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Disability Insurance Life Is Going Well
Life is going well. You just got a promotion. Your boss is grooming you to be the next superstar. You landed the McGregor account which puts you at the top of the producers for your company.
It took lots of work. You prepared, asked a lot of questions, did your research, and covered all bases. You stomped the competition. You were brilliant. Your wife says you are her hero.
Your local Kiwanis club nominated you to the Kiwanian of the year.
You are flying high, your son was selected starting quarterback for the high school team and college recruiters are knocking on the door. Your daughter has straight As'.
The church has recognized you as one of the leaders of the church. You are helping people, your wife is proud of you. She looks at you with googly eyes and calls you her sweet snoockums.
All is well. Congratulation, your efforts have paid off.
Then while texting, you swerve off the road and hit a car head on. You do not get killed but you end up in a wheel chair with a remote possibility of not ever walking again.
While you were building your successful career, your wife was fortunate enough to stay at home and raise your kids. She sacrificed time and experience in the job market to do the incredible job moms do.
You look at your employer for help and guess what; they do not have disability insurance. Your income was not protected; it was good while it lasted. Sacrifices will have to be made. What will go first, the car, the house, the dog, and the kids? Your savings are not up to par.
All that can be avoided by protecting your income thru a long term disability policy. A policy that will pay you income if you are too sick or hurt that you cannot go to work. Not all policies are built the same, the definitions within the policies is what makes a difference.
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