Different Techniques To Learn To Know How To Upsell Online
It is not a secret that most e-commerce sites would want to convert a good percentage of their visitors into consumers
. The most successful business websites are able to turn a high number of visitors into actual sales. A valuable way to boost your sale on the internet is to attract customers with additional products that they may find useful and would eventually want to purchase. This process is called upselling and when performed correctly can help generate extra sales by at least 30%. Another benefit of upselling is that it is a cost efficient marketing strategy where you are able to create repeat customers due to your attractive offers.
One way to do upselling is to present quantity discounts to your customers. This is ideal for products that are usually bought in large number such as foods, clothing and others. Another way is to present similar products when a customer clicks on a certain item. Popular online shops do this so their customers are presented with more options and will eventually buy more than one product at the same time. Your site should also be able to remember what that customer has purchased so you can make suggestions the next time he visits.
Another upselling technique is to offer accessories for gadgets available for purchase. For instance, if you are selling mobile phones, you can also display earphones, cases, and other accessories that your customers might want in addition to their initial purchase. Another way to approach upselling is to present valued customers special discounts for being loyal. This way, while they are still in the shopping mood, they would want to shop away more than they intend to because of the special offer.
Another unique way to do upselling is to offer some items at a very low price once customers reach a certain amount. This way they would truly appreciate the bargain and you get to dispose items that have been in your shelf for a long time now. Offering free shipping for more than one purchase is also a good technique to encourage customers to do multiple purchases. As a sign of appreciation, you can give your customers thank you certificates where they can avail of a special discount on their next shopping.