Different And More Affective Platforms For Internet Marketing

Share: Here we are going to discuss all possible ways for internet marketing that you can
and that you should use for your website and also to growth your business. Some of these would be common and some of would be for new that I got in two years of my experience.
Who should read this article..?
If you are internet marketing expert then this article is not for you. The all people who are little or more related with internet marketing and want to improve their knowledge little more they should read this article. The websites owners who are not getting enough traffic to their website and want to get more traffic in short amount of time in different circumstances they should read this article. People who own business and want to jump into internet marketing and want to get certain and quality useful direction for it they should read this article. The people who is new comer to internet marketing and want to make good carrier and good adviser they should read this article .Since I have written all the people who should read this article if you know all this stuff then please forgive me.
Here I am going to discuss all possible way to promote your products and business or website on internet.
Google Adwords:-
This is very quick and costly way which can give you quick result.
It also refers to a Ppc or paid advertising on Google or you can use any other search engine like yahoo, msn and ask.
PPC: Pay per click, in which you need to pay for every click to your website from search engine to your site .As I said this is very costly and quick way to promote your business on internet.
You can go to google.com/adwords and can start your own campaign on
Google .
For yahoo you can go to listings.local.yahoo.com and create your account.
For Msn you can use microsoft.com/SMALLBUSINESS/hub.mspx and create your account.
How Google Adwords will be help full to you..?
PPC ads shown on top of search result as sponsored listing So suppose I am selling weight loss products and if someone type weight loss Products then my websites appear first in Google result so this way it increase your revenues. So you need to be little expert in this and should have good market knowledge of your products.
So if you have a large budget for internet marketing and want get your position very shortly and want to become a king for particular products then Google Adwords is ultimate way for your success.
SEO OR Search Engine Optimization:-
This is totally opposite to Google Adwords and means natural or organic search result.
It refers to the collection of activities that you should be carried out in systematic and genuine way to increase the visibility of your website in organic search result. As I said this is opposite to Google Adwords and it is little slower means you need to be patient to get result. You can hire any
SEO Expert or should know about it to do on your own.
Affiliate Marketing:
This is very common and very famous way to generate more revenue. You can setup affiliate program for your site and can pay users for certain traffic or some percentage of sells to them .Now days you can easily get third party software or application for easy tracking and monitor of you affiliate program. So it is not that much costly now a days. The advantage of it is you need to pay only for certain sell or performance and so it is more convenient way than anything.
Advertise on other website:-
Since this is not a new thing .I mean we know if we will advertise on other website then we would indirectly get that websites traffic too, here we are going to know on which websites we should advertise.
Google Adsense: - If you are already using Google Adwords then This is goggle second service which allows you to put your flash banners and text links directly and easy way.
Advertise On
Yellow Pages:-As we all know yellow page is business directory. Which gives you paid and free listing and you can get really god traffic to your website and gradually increase your revenue. We all know the success of yelp as yellow pages.
Advertise On Forum:
25 % result in Google comes from forum .So forums sites have really important role in internet marketing. In this you can choose relevant forum according to product and can contact forum owner for advertising .So by using forum you can target good traffic and increase visitor who is really interested in your products and advertising on forums is little cheap comparisons other sites..
Advertise On Someones personal blog:-
It is very cheap way for internet marketing .If you find any blog with good traffic and relevant to your products then you can contact blog owner and put flash banners on blog which can be very cheap and affective.
Where to Find these entire site?
Since I wrote where to advertise and where to not. You can find these sites manually or you can use some affiliate sites which provides platform between merchants and affiliate where you need to sign up as a merchant and you can really get good sites and trust worthy program for your products.
I hope this article would give you certain direction for internet marketing and where to spend your money for that.
by: Jack Paul
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