Did Your Infant Experience A Birth Injury?

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Everyone should know that, regardless of the rewards, the birthing process is no picnic. Birth can certainly be rather dangerous if the attending physician is irresponsible.
Birth injuries have become more common and are due to trauma resulting in the birthing process. Some birth injuries are short-lived and others can last a long time. Often, neglectfulness is involved.
That's not saying all birth injury impediments are due to the neglectfulness of the medical professional, medical procedure or medical performance. Some are natural and some are caused by biological imbalances, including the deprivation of oxygen afforded to the fetus. Still, a professional medical specialist can deter many of these complications with early diagnoses and preparation.

Share: Causal Factors:
Medical malpractice or procedural misstep might cause birth defects but so can the following:
* Breech delivery
* Prolonged labor
* Premature birth
Varieties of Birth Injuries:
The kinds of birth injuries however, are more varied. They cover anything from the benign and temporary to the severe and permanent.
Non permanent:
* Bruising (example: mishandled forceps)
* Swelling (example: from bruising)
* Forcep scars (resulting in bruising and or swelling)
* Fractures (rare and most often associated with breech deliveries)
* Loss of nerve or muscular function and dexterity (requires surgery)
* Facial paralysis (due to bruising or torn nerves)
* Brachial Plexis (Erb's Palsy; Paralysis or loss of dexterity in the arm due to excessive stretching of nerves and/or muscular tissue around the shoulder.)
* Torn nerves (because of pulling; leading to swelling)
* Broken neck (because of too much twisting)
* Fractured skull (because of slipping of the head onto a counter)
* Facial paralysis (due to torn nerves; requiring surgery)
* Brachial Plexis (Erb's Palsy)
* Cerebral Palsy (decrease in movement or dexterity due to brain damage)
If you are presently involved with any birth-related injury cases and don't know how to handle it, call a Personal Injury or birth injury attorney as soon as possible. By utilizing a professional legal expert, you'll be able to get the compensation you are owed.
This variety of legal case has a Statue of Limitations. Despite the fact that each state is different, a common duration is two (2) years. If you miss the deadline, you won't be able to file a lawsuit. So, take action now!
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