Did You Know That The Problem Of Unclaimed Cash Was A Multi Billion Dollar Problem? by:Nicole Anderson
Share: Have you ever dreamed of a scenario when money belonging to you would suddenly find
its way back to you to make things better? Ever dreamed of a sudden windfall? Well your dream is not pure fantasy. As on date, thirty five billion dollars is lying idle with the government because you and the other citizens have not claimed the same.
If you want to determine whether you could be owed unclaimed money, just ask yourself whether you have stopped using your bank account or saving account without closing the same. If you have, chances are that the money in the account became unclaimed money. Institutions turn in the money to the government if the money is lying idle for three years and if the owner cannot be contacted.
There are laws, called escheat laws that require the companies and institutions to turn the money over as unclaimed money. The government holds the money on behalf of the original owner. The same can be used by the individual only after he or establishes proof of ownership.
The unclaimed money program of the government has a few MAJOR problems. Some of them are listed below:
The person to whom the money is owed is never aware of the fact that the money is with the government and that the money is unclaimed money.
While the State ought to advertise a lot and advertise in detail to solve the problem, the truth is that the State is very casual in advertising about the problem. The end result is that we have mass ignorance about the problem.
Inexplicably, the state does not keep the cash in its hands until the owner is found. Rather, it spends the money in the form of general funds.
The state of California spends more than six hundred million dollars of unclaimed money on an annual basis.
States do not try to solve the problem on a national level. The website of the state contains its database of owners of lost money. A search through this database would omit the 49 state databases and the federal database.
You search for unclaimed money will not end unless you search the database of all the states along with the federal database.
For a proper search, visit quality websites like
http://cashunclaimed.com where you can key in your name and get the results for not just your name but also the variations of your name.
Bill McIntosh of
http://cashunclaimed.com strikes the nail on its head when he says that search for unclaimed money through the databases of all the fifty states and the federal database must include the search for the names of your friends and family as well. Only then can the problem be solved quickly.
About the author
Nicole Anderson offers information about unclaimed money at the website-
http://www.cashunclaimed.com. The website offers unlimited search to all its members. The members can search the comprehensive database that covers the databases of fifty states as well as the federal office.
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Did You Know That The Problem Of Unclaimed Cash Was A Multi Billion Dollar Problem? by:Nicole Anderson