Diabetic Travel Supplies -- More Than Some Extra Insulin

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Author: Renata Nyleve
When you have diabetes traveling, whether for pleasure or business, there is extra planning involved. There are some things you can do to make the trip easier though. Before you even leave make sure you have twice as many syringes, test strips and alcohol pads than you think you will need. Renata Nyleve Editor of the "Free Diabetic Testing Supplies" website --
http://www.FreeDiabeticTestingSupplies.net -- pointed out; Also, make sure you have extra insulin or pills if you are on an oral anti-diabetic medication. Do your homework. Make sure you know what will be available where you are traveling. Is there a refrigerator in the room? Is there somewhere to get a snack if you need one? Is there room service?... Some other things you should bring with you is a list of your current medications (all of them not just diabetic ones) and carry it with you all the time. Keep your doctors name and phone number on this piece of paper also. If you do not already have a medical alert bracelet or necklace get one and wear it at all times. If you are traveling by air, split your double supply of equipment and meds into two or three equal groups. Put one in your suitcase, one in your carry one and if you are traveling with someone give him or her some to put in their suitcase. If you are traveling by car you don't need to do this but take some extras anyway in case you end up staying longer than anticipated. Do not forget your glucose (tablets, hard candy etc.) in case of hypoglycemia and test your blood sugar a little more often than usual. Make sure your keep your insulin between 33 and 80 degrees F. There are many reasonably priced carrying cases on the market now for insulin and diabetic supplies that come with built in ice packs and other tings to keep a compartment at the proper temperature for insulin. Remember if you are traveling by air and crossing time zones, you are going to need to change your insulin injections routine. Ask your doctor for advice on your specific situation added R. Nyleve. Further information and resources to get your free diabetes supplies online by visiting:
http://www.FreeDiabeticTestingSupplies.netAbout the Author:
Renata Nyleve runs her corporate website at
http://www.Merquen.com where you can see all her articles and press releases.
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