Dentist San Jose CA What Causes Sensitivity in the Mouth?

Share: A common problem faced by many people is tooth sensitivity
, which can get worse as you grow older and your teeth develop. This tooth sensitivity is most often observed when drinking very hot beverages or eating very cold foods, which causes the teeth to become aggravated. This sensitivity can also occur when you put too much pressure on your teeth or eat sweet foods to cause a reaction.
Dentinal sensitivity is a type of tooth sensitivity that is caused by layers of the teeth becoming exposed to the elements. This layer is called dentin, and it is normally protected by the enamel of the teeth. This is a layer that is full of nerves, and if they are exposed, it creates extreme sensitivity when you talk or eat regular foods. This is referred to as sensitivity because the open nerves cause aggravation and pain as a result of heat or cold.
This type of sensitivity can occur within several teeth in the mouth, and it could be caused by brushing the teeth too intensely or not practicing oral hygiene. Many people do not realize that if they do not put focus into their oral care, it could cause future problems in the form of teeth sensitivity because of damage to the outer layer of the teeth. If your teeth have experienced wear and tear to create damage, or if you have cavities, you will also be at risk for sensitivity. Furthermore, if you have gum disease, it will cause the gums to pull back from the teeth so that they are damaged and sensitive.
It is also important to take care with the aggressive products that you use, such as teeth bleaching. This could break down the outer layers of the teeth to cause sensitivity, will also happen if you eat very acidic foods. These acidic foods will sit on the surface of the teeth to break down the enamel so that your teeth become much more sensitive as a result.
If you suffer from pulpal sensitivity, it affects one tooth at a time. This is caused by damage in the pulp of the tooth, which is full of nerve endings and blood vessels that will become sensitive. This common issue could be a result of a broken tooth, tooth decay, a bad filling, or putting too much pressure on the tooth. This can cause long-term pain, yet it will often create sensitivity only when eating hot or cold meals.
If you have the warning signs of tooth sensitivity based on eating hot or cold foods, you may be eligible for a root canal. You will need to be treated by your dentist as he or she uses a metal probe to check for infection and exposed roots in your teeth. This is one more reason to have a continuous relationship with your dentist visiting twice per year so that your teeth remain protected from sensitivity. These precautions will prevent these common dental issues by keeping your teeth in the best health!
Dentist San Jose CA What Causes Sensitivity in the Mouth?
By: Nicholas Norton
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