Dentist: Preventing Bad Breath
Bad oral hygiene can have dramatic effects on self esteem as well as the obvious consequence of unhealthy teeth
. Sometimes, the embarrassment of unpleasant breath can be more motivating to get someone into the dentist chair than a painful cavity. People value their self image, and when they stop feeling comfortable even opening their mouth around other people it can be very frustrating. Before getting a professional treatment for your issue, it may be possible to prevent it by changing your diet and hygiene habits.
Unpleasant odor does not always come from your tongue; it can also emanate from your digestive tract. What you put into your body can come back to haunt you in the form of bad breath, which gives you one more reason to eat healthy. Odors in the mouth are usually caused by bacteria growing in the mouth due to a lack of brushing and flossing. The obvious way to cure this would be an increase in brushing, yet some people with this problem are not able to remedy the problem with such a minor fix. In this case, you should consult your dentist to weigh your options.
For a more holistic approach, try chewing on fresh herbs such as coriander, rosemary, or spearmint. You can also put them in hot water to make a healthy tea. Yogurt also reduces the amounts of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth, which is one cause of unpleasant breath. The enzymes in yogurt have been shown to reduce plaque and gum disease, and it produces an environment that is not bacteria friendly. Just be sure to buy the kind with active cultures and low sugar content.
In some cases, chronic bad breath can be caused by an underlying problem such as a mouth infection, dry mouth, or even kidney disease. It is important to see your dentist if you have a major case of unpleasant breath and cannot seem to cure it with home remedies. Your dental practitioner will examine your mouth to pinpoint what is causing the issue. If the source of the odor is coming from bacteria on the tongue, there are special kits with gel and a tongue brush or scraper that you can take home and use on a daily basis.
Even though it may seem like a superficial dental problem, this issue can often signify hidden problems that should be corrected as soon as possible. Do not suffer through this embarrassing ailment; there are many options to consider that will cure or prevent this problem. Even if you have to seek care from a dentist, the treatment options are not expensive and may be covered by your insurance.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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