Dentist Colorado Springs Do You Have Damage to Your Tooth Enamel?
Dentist Colorado Springs Do You Have Damage to Your Tooth Enamel
The tooth enamel is the tissue of the tooth that is visible on the surface of the teeth, and it is actually the hardest component in the entire body. It is made of 96% minerals, and this this high mineral content makes it very susceptible to cavities because of the mineralization. In this case, it is highly essential to protect the teeth from enamel loss, which can be caused from many different issues, including improper oral hygiene, smoking, or even in eating highly acidic foods.
One of the best ways to detect if you have damage to the surface of your teeth is by noticing an increase in sensitivity. The hot and cold temperatures of food will affect the nerves of the teeth very easily if the outer layers have been damaged. It should be your top priority to check your teeth for receding gums. Once enamel has started to erode through gum disease, the gums will begin to recede. This can look like V shaped notches located directly above the teeth, which will show a serious loss of the exterior of the teeth because of brushing too intensely. This can also happen if you over use a toothpick, which has the effect of breaking down the enamel on each tooth.
In other instances, check to see if your teeth are fractured or chipped because it could cause damage to the outer enamel. If you struggle with grinding your teeth, it could also cause harm to the exterior of the molars so that they become flat. From there, take time to consider your eating habits to see how much sugar you regularly consume. When there is constant sugar in the diet, it can create an acid that will break down the outer surface of the teeth. Many people don't comprehend that this is actually the most normal cause of enamel loss.
If you have any of the above issues, make sure that you schedule a visit with your dentist immediately to detect any problems that may have already happened in your teeth. Your dentist can check all of your teeth for soft spots of decay in the outer surface through a dental probe. Your dentist may also choose to take an x-ray to detect and confirm how much enamel has been lost.
In these instances, it is essential to have a good rapport with your dentist. Most adults neglect to visit their dentist twice per year, although it is recommended by dentists. However, taking this type of precaution will make a serious difference in the results that you see in the appearance and health of your teeth. This is your opportunity to make your oral health a priority to protect the surface of your teeth, which can often result in cavities or potentially gum disease if these problems are not treated.
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