Practicing proper dental care as well as developing good brushing habits plays an important role in maintaining healthy and strong teeth in children. Here are a few tips that will help parents to make their children enjoy the whole process of tooth brushing!
Before the age of 1, use water and a soft washcloth to clean your child's teeth and gums.
Between the age of 1 and 2, clean your child's teeth with a small toothbrush and a soft toothpaste with or without fluoride. You can even start training your child to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth.
At the age of 2, start training your child to brush his teeth himself. Let your child hold a mirror in front of his/her mouth while you are brushing his teeth. In this manner, he/she will be able to see the process that's going on.
Always ensure that your child uses a small-size tooth brush with soft bristles.
Allow you child pick or choose the toothbrush which he wants to use such as toothbrushes with favorite cartoon characters, toothbrushes with blinking lights, vibrating toothbrushes etc.
Use a pea-size toothpaste drop for brushing his teeth.
Make your child learn the process of teeth brushing in an easy and simple manner. To begin with, let him brush the teeth on the cheek and tongue sides, then on the chewing surfaces, and then progress to the tongue and gums.
Help your child to finish brushing his teeth. You can do this until the child is about 7-8 years old.
Ensure that your child rinses the mouth properly after brushing and does not swallow toothpaste. Tell him that swallowing toothpaste could result in serious health problems.
Always store the toothpaste out of child's reach so as to prevent him from eating or swallowing it.
Make it a point to replace your child's toothbrush every 2-3 months or after a severe flu or other infectious diseases.
Brushing your child's teeth for 2 minutes twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime.