Dental Veneers Can Give You A Beautiful Smile
Are you self conscious about your smile? Do you feel that your overall look is being diminished by dull yellow teeth
? What are your options if you are unhappy with the way your teeth currently look? You could always try the whitening toothpastes and trays that are offered for sale in your local grocery store, but is this really the best way to get your teeth white? Sure toothpastes and gels might do a little bit to whiten your teeth, but you are never going to get the type of pearly whites enjoyed by models and celebrities unless you visit a cosmetic dentist.
Perhaps the best way to improve your smile is to have dental veneers placed over your current teeth. Dental veneers are basically a thin layer of enamel-like material that fits on the outside of your existing tooth to create the appearance of a perfect tooth that is as white as you would like it to be. Many models and celebrities have dental veneers that you may have not even realized they have them. Perhaps you just thought that everyone who lives in Hollywood was born with perfectly white teeth? Not exactly! In actuality what has really happened is that the dental veneer procedure has become very popular based on the relative ease of the procedure as well as the durability of the veneer.
Is it possible for veneers to crack or chip? Unfortunately it is possible for veneers to crack or chip, but the fact of the matter is that veneers are typically very durable and rarely encounter real damage. The veneer is similar in strength and durability to your own tooth, and how many times in your life have you damaged your own tooth without some sort of severe trauma to the mouth? With veneers you can expect similar durability to your own tooth enamel. Veneers do not chip or break easily and so you can not only take pride in the fact that you will have a perfectly white and beautiful smile, but also an incredibly durable one at that. So if you were ever concerned that the thin veneer material might be brittle and less than durable, you can put it out of your mind as veneers are very durable.
Veneers, while not cheap, can provide you with what amounts to an almost entirely new smile. For the money you are getting not only a perfectly pearly white smile that will give you the confidence you have always wanted, but along with that perfect whiteness veneers will also provide you with a very durable smile to boot! So if you were thinking about having your teeth whitened by using an over-the-counter goop, you might just want to consider skipping the middle man and just having a new set of veneers installed. If you take care of them they will remain beautiful and white for a very long time. So consider veneers as a possible choice for your future tooth whitening needs. They truly are the permanent solution for a bright, white smile.
by: Patrick Boswell
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