Dental Laser Usage
You can say that our culture will be incomplete if lasers were not a part of it
. Everything from mp3 players to computer printers make use of lasers and these can also be found when you go to the market to buy goods or when you attend a concert and these are only some of the many facilities that require laser technology these days.
A lot of doctors are crediting lasers for the kind of assistance that they can offer when it comes to a number of different medical procedures.
When it comes to the dental field, lasers are really beneficial especially when the soft tissues of the oral cavity are involved. When you ask someone about the dentist, chances are you will get a response highlighting fear and what not and lasers that reduce pain in various treatments might be able to sway the opinion of some people when it comes to this.
You will find a number of dental instruments that produce intimidating sounds and most of these can be eliminated when lasers are available for the treatment.
Here, you might need to spend more time on the chair if lasers will be used on your cavities. For gingivectomies and the like, there are FDA lasers that the dentist can make use of.
Here, several tissues make up the mouth and you will be dealing with everything from the teeth and gums to the ligaments and various fibers not to mention the roots of the teeth.
Apart from the carbon dioxide based beam that gets released when lasers are utilized, there is one more beam, one made out of helium and neon, that gives the light energy a color so that dentists can see it.
Usually, carbon dioxide lasers are necessary for gingivectomies and biopsies and when there are lesions that need to be removed. In line with a frenectomy, this will be necessary as well. The frenum can be found under the tongue and this is something that a laser can treat effectively.
There are times when a carbon dioxide based laser is not enough and when this happens, you can resort to something known as the Nd: YAG laser. It is important for cool water to be utilized should there be any signs of plasma formation on the area that is being treated as this is heated gas. When it comes to the Nd:YAG laser, this is the kind of laser that can harm thin tissues.
Argon laser comes from a argon gas and it is released as a blue green light. What you have here are materials that are often used as fillers when there are problems in the mouth. Strengthening is the term that best describes the job of the lasers used in this case.
The holmium:YAG laser is one more gadget utilized on soft tissues. In order for the condyle of the mandible and the base of the skull to be separated, a disc has to be treated with the use of the proper lasers.
The type and strength of the laser needed for a specific task is what dentists have to decipher. From pulse length to power level to light energy type to the chemical basis of lasers, all of these are factors that change from laser to laser and you need to be mindful of these differences.
Dental tissues differ and the effects of laser technology may also differ when tissues such as enamel, dentin, pulp, bone, and gingiva are being treated.
We still have to wait a while before lasers will be fully utilized in the field of dentistry but as more and more laser types are developed, we can rest assured that there will be a time when lasers will have a more major role in dental health.
In this case, plenty of individuals simply love the idea of having lasers available for dental procedures.
If dental drills can become things of the past, a lot of people will be pleased. According to studies, this is something possible. The last thing to be done is to get hold of the fitting laser for the job.
by: John Chambers
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