Dental Information On Tooth Decay: Disorders, Prevention And Treatment
What is tooth decay (or dental caries)?
What is tooth decay (or dental caries)?
Dental information plays a very important role in maintaining good dental health. Lack of proper and timely information can result into decaying of tooth. Tooth decaying is a condition wherein the bacterial processes damage hard tooth structure (enamel, dentin and cementum) leading to the formation of a cavity. The process starts with an opening (hole) in the enamel, if left untreated it progressively damages the deeper sections of the tooth.
The condition could be really troublesome in the long run where the pulp and the nerves start causing the tooth to become sensitive to a variety of stimuli. Tooth decaying (or dental caries) could also result into a variety of gum problems such as inflammation, swelling, pain and ultimately tooth loss. Dental information as regards prevention and cure of dental caries can be definitely helpful in dealing with this painful condition.
Prevention of tooth decay:
Cavities can be prevented with proper dental information as regards day-day dental hygiene. The following steps could be definitely helpful in preventing tooth decaying - brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing every day, having regular dental checkups and eating a well-balanced diet (to limit snacking). It is also advisable to avoid foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) that which could ultimately result into a cause for tooth decaying.
Treatment of tooth decay:
The dental information as regards dental caries or tooth decay is very important in effectively dealing with the condition. The treatment for tooth decay varies as per the severity of the condition:
1. Brushing or flossing with fluoride toothpaste may be enough for reversing early decay.
2. A person may need a filling if a cavity has formed.
3. One may need a crown if the decay is severe and the tooth has been badly damaged.
4. One may also need a root canal treatment if the pulp of the tooth is affected.
5. At advanced stages, a person may even resort to tooth extraction if the tooth is severely damaged.
People usually do not care at an initial stage of tooth decay; however, in the long run the condition could be really very painful and may even disrupt the day-day life. Hence, keeping oneself updated as regards
dental information could be really very helpful in the prevention or treatment of dental caries.
by: John
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