Dental Implants Restore Function To Your Smile When Teeth Are Missing
Share: Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew, speak and even negatively impact your sense of self-esteem
. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, the use of dental implants may be the best choice for restoring your smile and your bite. Dental implants tend to be a more comfortable and permanent solution for replacement of missing teeth.
How are Dental Implants Placed?
Prior to the placement of your dental implants, your bone density needs to be measured in order to ensure that you have sufficient quality and quantity of bone tissue available around the area in which the implant will be placed. If you have insufficient bone density then you may need bone grafting before the implant can be placed.
Once you have had a consultation with your dentist in regards to the appropriateness of dental implants for your tooth replacement, your treatment process can begin. Your implants can generally be placed in one sitting, but do require a period of osseointegration, which is the process by which direct anchorage of the implant root and the bone of the jaw occur.
Osseointegrated implants are the most commonly used and successful type of dental implants, taking anywhere from three to six months to fuse with the jawbone and oral tissue. Your dentist will complete the process with the placement of a crown. Once your implant is placed, it stays in permanently. You do not have to remove it for cleaning or soaking, as you would with dentures.
What are the Causes of Tooth Loss and Why Would I Need Implants?
In cases where too many teeth are missing and there are no supporting teeth for bridges, loose dentures or more solid dental implants are the only choice to replace the missing teeth. Tooth loss may occur because of:
*Tooth decay
*Root canal failure
*Gum disease
*Trauma to the mouth
*Excessive wear and tear
*Congenital defects
Additionally, biting irregularities caused by tooth loss can have a negative effect on eating habits and this can lead to secondary health problems like malnutrition. Regardless of the nature of problems related to tooth loss, dental implants may provide a simple remedy with proven results that will bring confidence back into your smile.
In order to further prevent tooth loss your dentist recommends that you follow these simple guidelines:
*Brush and floss your teeth twice every day
*Regularly check up with your dentist
*Fluoride therapy
*Dental sealants
If you are exhibiting tooth loss, it is important to visit your Warrenton, VA dentist for further consultation. Your dentist will be able to assess your tooth loss, provide treatment and offer a solution best suited for your dental needs. Maintain your smile and keep your teeth with the help of dental implants.
by: Gen Wright
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2024-12-4 16:34
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