Dental implants have revolutionized the dental industry
. They give the patient more flexibility in their struggle to maintain a winning smile and good dental health. These days, if you have problems with a tooth or a number of teeth, you can have them extracted and have replacement teeth placed directly into the jaw bone. Dental implants give a sense of comfort and confidence that was not available with previous dental appliances. Now you can eat, talk and smile with confidence knowing that your new teeth are in no danger of flying out of your mouth.
For many years people who had their bad teeth extracted were forced to either leave gaps in their mouths or get a dental appliance that required metal hooks or adhesives to hold them in place. But those dental appliances were sometimes uncomfortable and had to be replaced every few years as your gum changed shape. There were also limitations on what you could eat and how long you could leave them in your mouth without developing an unpleasant odor. Plus there was also the distinct possibility your dental appliance would fly out of your mouth when you least expected it.
Dental implants have changed all that. Dental implants look, feel and perform like your natural teeth. You are free to eat anything you want. You no longer have to put your teeth into a glass at night or put up with messy adhesives. You simply brush and floss them like you do your regular teeth.
If you live in Chicago dental implants are easy to find. Most good dentists offer them as an option. Chicago dental implants are on par with the dental implants done in any other parts of the country. In fact some people feel the Chicago dental implants work done in the Windy City is the best in the world!