Dengue: Causes and Treatment
Dengue: Causes and Treatment
Dengue: Causes and Treatment
Dengue is a viral disease which is caused by the bite of an Aedes aegypti mosquito that has bitten an infected person previously. Usually Dengue causes in subtropical and tropical regions with increasing number of cases in countries like Singapore, India, the South Pacific,Southeast Asia, the West Indies, and the Middle East including Puerto Rico, Caribbean, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, and Central America.
Causes of Dengue
Dengue causes by the transmission of Dengue Virus through the bite of Aedes mosquito which generally bites during the day time. DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4 are different types of Dengue causing viruses. A person infected by one virus can be infected by other virus also. A mosquito takes blood from an infected person with dengue and then becomes itself infected with the virus and thus spreads the disease by injecting the infected blood to the human body.
Dengue is more common in infants and young children and unlike other infections well nourished children are more prone to the infection. Females are more likely to catch the infection as compared to males.
Dengue causes sudden-onset of fever, chills, headache along with muscular and joints pain. The temperature may rise up to 104 F with decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
Dengue Treatment
There is no such treatment specified for Dengue. Dengue treatment totally depends on its symptoms. It is advised to take plenty of fluids such as Oral Rehydration Solution for patients with moderate dehydration caused by vomiting and high temperature and complete bed rest to get relief from pain. The platelets count should be checked on regular basis to avoid leucopenia.
The Dengue Treatment is basically symptomatic i.e. to relieve the symptoms. Hospital admission is required only to administer Intravenous fluids for one or two days. To relieve severe headache and joints pain Paracetamol may be given while tablets such as Aspirin and Bruphen should be avoided as they might increase the risk of bleeding.
If any of the signs like severe abdominal pain, passage of black stools, bleeding into the skin or from the nose or gums, sweating, and cold skin is noticed then the patient should be rushed immediately to the hospital.
Typically Dengue is not a fatal disease. The acute stage of the illness with fever and muscular pains lasts for about one to two weeks. The stage of recovery is accompanied by weakness and complete recovery takes several weeks.
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