One of the problems that involve your auto insurance claims is going through disputes
. There are times when you might disagree with what the insurance company may decide on your auto insurance claim. Here are some of your options in case you get into such a situation.
Talk to your agent.
Sometimes a disagreement can be solved by simply talking to your auto insurance agent. There might have been some certain mix-ups or confusion during the claims process. A simple misunderstanding can sometimes be resolved at the agent level and never have to reach the courts.
Contact the Insurance Claims Department.
If the dispute or disagreement can't be resolved by your agent, you may then proceed to give the Claims Department of your insurance company a call. Try to get the contact number from your agent. You may then try to contact the Consumer Complaint Department. They might be able to help you clear up the dispute. Try to get the name of the person you are talking with on the line.
Forward all the necessary documents.
Prior to going through the dispute, make sure that you have proof or evidence of your stand on the matter. Try to collect all the necessary documents you need to back up your position on the auto insurance claim dispute. Send a covering letter to the insurance company along with the documents required.
Go though arbitration.
Most insurance companies have what is called an "Arbitration or Appraisal Service" which helps settle disputes. This is the usual and proper way to handle insurance claims disputes with your insurance company. It would surely avoid further complications and may even help resolve issues with lesser stress.