Dating Guide For Men - What Not to Say to a Woman
Dating Guide For Men - What Not to Say to a Woman
Putting your foot in your mouth when you are out with a woman that you are dying to be able to impress is NEVER a good thing. You instantly can feel that you have messed things up and you cannot believe what you just said. Well, you need to learn how to talk to a woman the right way if you are going to impress a woman and make her feel attracted to you. Conversation is king when it comes to attraction and to make a woman feel the kind of attraction that you want to, you need to know what to say to a woman.
You also have to know what NOT to say to her as well. In fact, that can be just as helpful as being guided on what you should say to her.
Here are some examples of things that you should not say to a woman:
1. Do NOT tell her that you think she is pretty all night long. Yes, it's perfectly all right to tell a woman that she is attractive or that she looks beautiful when you are with her. But once or twice will be more than enough. This is one of those times when less can be MORE for you. See, if you play it out and over do it, then she is going to start to wonder if you are just willing to say anything that you can to make her like you.
2. Do NOT remark on any hot political or social issues at the moment. Unless you are driven by discussing politics, then you surely do not want to open up a can of worms and start to raise some tension, and not the good kind. Politics, religion, and social issues are definitely three areas of discussion that you want to stay away from. Besides, when you are first encountering a woman, you don't really want to try and get too deep on things with her.
3. Do NOT ask her about her past encounters. Trying to get a woman to open up about this kind of stuff is in no way a good thing to do. Bearing in mind that you are trying to make her fall for you, you don't want to end up driving her away by discussing these things with her. And trust me, you really do not want to know, anyway. All it will do is make things a little more complicated.
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