Are you familiar with the disorder wherein there is the grinding of teeth at night
? This is also called bruxism. It may be bothersome for people who have bed partners or loved ones who have this kind of disorder. Bruxism can really be bothersome but surely it can be managed.
How can you stop grinding teeth? Do you have to put a something inside the mouth? Do you have to keep the mouth open or close? Well, let us discover how we can solve this bruxism problem together and how we can possibly stop grinding teeth.
Here are some tips and solutions to bruxism. 1) Consult your doctor especially your dentist about this problem. He or she can make a mouthpiece that can help in preventing the grinding of teeth at night. As you can see, it is the teeth which are directly affected by this problem. 2) Before bed time, try to relax your jaw muscles by applying a warm compress on your face for about 10 minutes.
3) Avoid stress as much as possible. They say that stress is one of the major factors why people have this teeth grinding problem. 4) Avoid caffeinated drinks most especially coffee and colas for this can further worsen the tooth grinding problem. Also, alcohol makes teeth grinding even more intense. 5) Try to avoid eating chewing gums for it is most likely that you will clench your teeth when you chew a gum therefore may lead to teeth grinding.
Lastly, try massaging and stretching exercises. Stop grinding teeth with all of these tips and ways to stop it. If after you do some of the things mentioned above and yet nothing happens then you must seek the help of an expert individual on this. Do take this problem seriously and avoid any further problems that may arise with it.