Creative Ways To Improve Your Finances And Enhance Your Lifestyle

Share: This article is an excerpt from the new audio book entitled The Warrior Spirit
, by author and consultant Mary Rivas.
What does wealth mean to you?
Is it having a certain amount of money in the bank or is it having a certain lifestyle that makes you feel rich? Do you fantasize about having the freedom to spend your days doing what you love and getting paid for it? Does wealth mean exotic traveling and living in a beautiful home?
Whatever wealth means to you, know that there is usually more than one way to get what you want! Yes, once you open your mind and heart to infinite possibilities, youll discover that you can greatly improve your financial situation and enhance your lifestyle in multiple ways. When it comes to financial goals, most people think of only creating more money. Yes, you can make more money, and you can do much more than that too!
Three Money Stories -Getting What You Desire Without Spending Money
How a Friend Got His Bentley by Bartering
A friend of mine once offered a business owner his ideas on how to resolve a serious issue the company owner was having. My friend offered his business advice as a personal favor. He didn't realize that he was engaging in a barter. The company owner was so impressed with my friend's astute business insights that he asked my friend what he would like to receive in return. My friend told him that he wanted his Bentley.
Yes, he got the Bentley. My friend enjoyed telling me this story as we drove around in his shiny new car. (The average price of a Bentley is around $150,000.)
How a Free and Fully-Furnished Apartment Materialized
Years ago, when I lived on an island near Long Beach, California, I really wanted to have a second home in Los Angeles so I could spend time with my daughter in Los Angeles. Long story short, I got a fully furnished, very elegant home that exceeded what I had imagined was possible.
It was a unique situation. I offered part-time consulting services in exchange for high consulting fees and a beautiful home. My daughter lived with me in this second home for the time that we needed to take care of important matters. For about two years, I divided my time between Catalina Island and Los Angeles. It was great for a while. But once we took care of what we needed to do together, we moved on to new paths.
One Month No Laptop In Sight, Next Month Brand New Laptop
My sister confided to a friend one day over lunch that she deeply wanted to learn how to use a computer. The problem was that she couldn't afford a computer. My sister had dedicated her life to bringing up her children, and now she wanted to start doing things for herself. Being able to use a computer was on the top of her dream list.
Weeks later, the surprise came. Her friend delivered her a shiny new laptop. My sister was shocked and beyond grateful. She never thought that she could get a computer. This amazing gift came her way because she opened up her heart, confiding to a trusted friend about her dream (which she didn't normally do), and had faith her prayers would be answered. You never know how a friend can help you out.
Build a Business With No Capital
If you have a leaning towards business, refer to the Resources section in The Warrior Spirit for a free e-book on how to shift your business thinking forever. Learn how to expand your sense of limitless possibilities in the area of business. In this e-book, you'll learn about making tidy sums of money using creative, unorthodox thinking. It's a great read to open your mind to financial possibilities.
by: ShamanicWisdom
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