Cracked Heels Treatment: Effective Natural Treatment For Cracked Heels
Are you looking for a natural treatment for cracked heels
? This can be a very embarrassing skin condition. If you have dry and cracked skin on your heels that is preventing you from wearing sandals, then you need to learn about some of the best kinds of treatments for it.
Have you tried hydrogenated oil on your heels? Vegetable oil works well too. Wash your feet and dry them thoroughly, then rub one of these oils into the heel area until it is fully absorbed. You will need to do this every day for effectiveness to be worthwhile. In few days, you will begin to see a difference.
Soaking your feet in water with fresh squeezed lemon juice in will not only feel great, it will have the benefit of healing dry and cracked skin on your heels. You might also want to try applying a mixture of glycerin and rosewater on your feet. This is a well known natural treatment for cracked heels.
You can also apply petroleum jelly to your heels before going to bed at night. The trick in this treatment working well is making sure that you put socks on over the Vaseline and sleep like this. This is going to give you results in about a week.
You should never go barefoot outside, especially if you are trying to keep down dry and cracked heels. You should always wear shoes outdoors. One thing you need to always make sure that you do is to keep moisturizer on your feet every day. Any of the oils or petroleum jelly treatments will substitute for moisturizer and you can apply it twice daily. Once you have the cracked skin healed, make sure to keep moisturizing your feet every day.
Your diet could have a lot to do with the skin on your feet being dry enough to crack. This skin condition can be painful if it is left untreated. Choose to eat those kinds of foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like fish. Calcium and the mineral zinc are important in helping you to avoid having dry and cracked heels as well.
You can effectively use a natural treatment for cracked heels. It is always best to choose the best and most natural ingredients for all your skin care needs. Make sure that you eat a well balanced diet. At the end of each day, take the time to relax and soak your feet. This is also a great way to relive stress and this also has some great health benefits.
by: Pete Migz
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