Cosmetology As A Career Choice In Washington State

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, hairstylist was ranked number one in terms of job satisfaction. Couple that with the fact that hair will always grow and you can't outsource cutting hair to another country, the prospects of finding a job in the beauty industry is pretty much a sure bet. Also unlike four year college degrees, getting a cosmetology degree from an accredited training programming takes a lot less time. Going to cosmetology school full time, you can complete the program in generally less than a year.
The requirements for getting a cosmetology license can vary from state to state. In Washington State, a cosmetologist, barber, manicurist or esthetician must be at least 17 years of age and a graduate from a school approved and licensed by the Department of Licensing with the minimum required state hours or successfully complete a state approved apprenticeship training program and pass the state-approved National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) written and practical examinations. The minimum required number of hours is 1600 for a Cosmetologist, 1000 hours for Barber, 600 hours for Manicurist and 600 hours for an Esthetician. The minimum number of hours for an approved apprenticeship training program is 3000 hours for a Cosmetologist, 2000 hours for a Barber, 2000 hours for a Manicurist and 2000 hours for an Esthetician.
If you are from out of state and have been licensed in another state, you will need to provide proof that you have a current license in good standing in another state. As Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) states on their web site: "A copy of your license is NOT verification of licensure. Contact the state you are licensed in to request verification." Once you have provided proof, complete the "Barber, Cosmetologist, Esthetician, or Manicurist License Renewal, Reinstatement, Out-of-State or Reciprocity Application" form and submit it to DOL. Most states will accept out-of-state licenses so getting a cosmetology license in the State of Washington will allow you to work in other states or even other countries if you decide to move.
Once you get your training and license, what type of job and salary can you expect to get? According to the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS), a cosmetologist is, anyone performing manicures, hair cutting, styling, shampooing, makeup or other cosmetology services. The number and range of businesses hiring those trained in cosmetology is large and diverse. The biggest employers are salons that hire hairstylists. Larger salons may hire specialists such as manicurists and makeup artists, while smaller salons will want someone who can provide a variety of cosmetology services depending on clientele that frequent the salon. Washington State has both large national chains such as Supercuts and Fantastic Sams as well as a great selection of local chains such as Third Dimension, Weldon Barber, Rudy's Barbershop, and Gene Juarez Salons that are based in the Pacific Northwest.
According to Bureau of Labor and Statistics May 2008 data, Washington State is among the top states in the United States for cosmetologist's salary averaging between $30,840 to $32,950 per year. The state with the highest average salary is Hawaii at $41,600 a year and the industry with the highest salaries is the Entertainment Industry doing hair and makeup for actors and actresses. Of course, your only limit in terms of salary is your own aspirations, for example a Hair Designer in Las Vegas profiled recently in USA Today makes an annual income of $160,000 a year working just 3 days a week.
Whether you are just getting started with your career or looking to make a change in your choice of professions, Washington State and the Pacific Northwest offers many exciting and satisfying possibilities for a career in the field of cosmetology.
by: Julie Seruto
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