» Auto Insurance » Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile
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Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile

Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile

Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile

Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile

An insulated cosmetic bag which can be attached to the visor of an automobile. The inside of the cosmetic bags contains a mirror and compartments that readily provide access to cosmetics that can be conveniently applied while the user is sitting in the passenger compartment of a car. The bag has a first portion that is coupled to a second portion by a hinge, which allows the portions to be moved between a folded position and an unfolded position. Each portion contains a pocket constructed to hold a number of wholesale cosmetic bags.The hanging strap has an aperture which can be attached to a hook or other similar structure. The cosmetic bag also has a pair of outer straps adapted to attach the bag to the visor of an automobile.

When traveling on an extended road trip, the occupants of an automobile typically store cosmetics and other items in the trunk of the car. The trunk of a car can become hot and possibly melt some of the cosmetics. Even if the wholesale beach bags are carried in the interior of the car, the temperature of the passenger compartment may become elevated, especially if the automobile is parked in a hot environment. It would therefore be desirable to have a portable insulated cosmetic bag.Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile

The present camera bag is an insulated cosmetic bag which can be attached to the visor of an automobile. The inside of the bag contains a mirror and compartments that readily provide access to beach bags that can be conveniently applied while the user is sitting in the passenger compartment of a car. The bag has a first portion that is coupled to a second portion by a hinge, which allows the portions to be moved between a folded position and an unfolded position.

Each portion contains a pocket constructed to hold a number of cosmetic bags. The bag has a hanging strap that can secure the first and second portions of the bag in the folded position. The hanging strap has an aperture which can be attached to a hook or other similar structure. The cosmetic bag also has a pair of outer straps adapted to attach the bag to the visor of an automobile.
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Cosmetic bag for hanging on the sun visor of an automobile