Cosmetic Dentistry – Great Way to Obtain a Brilliant Smile
Cosmetic Dentistry Great Way to Obtain a Brilliant Smile
Cosmetic dentistry, which is now greatly in demand, is tinged with just a bit of controversy. Although 16 percent dentists in the US are offering cosmetic dental procedures, not all dentists are happy with the development. The common complaint against cosmetic dentistry and dental Botox is that it doesn't come within the scope of dentistry. In other words, it has no place in a dentist's clinic, but belongs to the cosmetic surgeon's department.
The debate, however, does not stop people from demanding cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve their smiles. The most popular procedures appear to be teeth whitening, bonding, implants, porcelain veneers, and many more. Cosmetic dentistry is slowly developing into a craze in America, with more and more people demanding that dazzling white smile. Dental Botox, which removes fine lines from around the mouth and makes patients look young, is also in great demand.
According to the Wealthy Dentist survey, 16 percent dentists admitted that they offer Dental Botox, 27 percent expressed a desire to offer it, 37 percent said that they were just considering it, and 20 percent were absolutely sure that they did not want to offer it. Dental Botox is booming at present, with patients demanding cosmetic dentistry, dermal fillers, and Restylane treatments. But many dentists are not happy about offering cosmetic dentistry procedures. A periodontist sums up their opinions by saying that it isn't in the field of dentistry.
The number of cosmetic dentists offering new cosmetic procedures is on the rise, and many are happy to offer dermal fillers such as Botox to their patients. A recently survey undertaken by Wealthy Dentist reveals that about one in six dentists in the US are offering Botox to their patients for a variety of reasons, including medical.
Many law-abiding dentists are worried about the legal aspects of offering such procedures. Twenty-seven percent said that they will offer Botox if the law permits. An orthodontist in California said that he was not sure about the legality of the procedures. A dentist in Tennessee said that he would definitely offer the procedures if he was sure about the law.
As per the Wealthy Dentist survey, 37 percent of the dentists said that they will offer Dental Botox one day because more and more patients were demanding it and requesting him to start offering the services in his office. But 27 percent of them are sure that they will not offer it because they feel that Botox or Restylane injections for the face, neck, and head cannot be called dentistry.
Cosmetic dentistry, however, is a great way to rake in profits because the industry is booming, with more and more patients demanding it. Soon more and more dentists are expected to offer Botox. So far, the plastic surgeon was considered to be the only person who could combat the ageing process. Beauty conscious people are now realizing the importance of cosmetic dentistry in retaining and maintaining a youthful appearance. Cosmetic dentistry is already being considered an essential complement to cosmetic surgery.
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