Cosmetic Dentist Fort Worth How to Practice Oral Hygiene as a Family
Cosmetic Dentist Fort Worth How to Practice Oral Hygiene as a Family
As a family, it is highly important to promote good practices in teeth care and oral hygiene so that you will prevent a number of issues as your children grow. One of the best things that you can do is to start to brush and floss every single day, and it is also necessary to make continuous dental appointments for your children so that they can keep their mouth healthy. This type of practice will prevent teeth and even health problems as your family gets older, so it is important to be vigilant about your oral hygiene.
When your babies start to cut their first teeth, they will be able to chew small amounts of food when their teeth grow in. When this happens, you need to start cleaning your baby's teeth every single day, which you can do by cleaning them with a soft washcloth. If your baby has all of his or her teeth in, you can start to brush their teeth with a small child's toothbrush. It is best not to use toothpaste to brush your baby's teeth until they are two years old, so until that time, use water. As another tip, make sure that you don't put your baby to bed with a bottle because the milk or juice can sit on their teeth to cause cavities. When this happens, it is called baby-bottle tooth decay. As your children grow older, it is best that they focus on eating healthy snacks that don't contain added sugar, like fruits, vegetables, and cheese. If your child eat foods that are sticky, it could create bacteria and decay because of buildup on the teeth.
Even if your children are already teenagers, they need to understand the importance of oral hygiene. It is best if you regularly take them to the dentist to keep up this practice so that they can establish the habit when they are younger. Teenagers also need to brush twice each day using a fluoride toothpaste, and it is also best if they floss at least once a day. Even better, encourage your teenager to brush and floss twice each day, in the morning and before bed. Even though teenagers should not smoke, it is important that they avoid smoking for the added reason of preventing bad breath and stains on the teeth. For any times that your teenager plays contact sports, he or she should wear a mouth guard and headgear to prevent damage to their teeth. Even as a child grows older and becomes a teenager, he or she still does need to see the dentist regularly to prevent any cavities or issues in oral hygiene.
Using these helpful tips will give you the best results in the oral hygiene of your family. You can prevent cavities, halitosis, gum disease, and even potentially the need for a root canal by teaching your children the best practices to care for their teeth. This will also reduce the amount of yellowing and discolorations in their teeth often caused by poor hygiene!
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