Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer When You Are Injured In An Accident
A personal injury lawyer will help you get the money you deserve
. Do not try to deal with insurance companies on your own. They will try to convince you that you will not win a lawsuit. They will try to get you to sign a release in exchange for a cash settlement.
Once you sign a release you will not be able to bring a legal action against them for that accident and injury. If you are partly at fault for the accident they will tell you that your contributory negligence prevents you from winning a lawsuit and you would be better off accepting their quick cash offer.
However, we do not live under a contributory negligence legal system. Contributory negligence has been replaced with comparative negligence which states that a person is entitled to compensation for injuries even if that person is partly responsible for the accident.
If you were partly at fault for the accident, your award might be reduced according to your percentage of fault, but you certainly have legal rights just the same to compensation. This is one of the many reasons you need to hire a persona injury attorney to deal with insurance company. Share:
If you have an attorney already, refer all the calls from the insurance company to his or her office. Do not, under any circumstances, discuss you condition with the insurance company, especially over the phone. They might get you to say that you are doing well. If they are recording your conversation they can use this to negotiate a lower settlement or use it in trial to try to deny you an award.
The insurance company has many tactics to try to limit their payout. They are in the business of paying as little as they can in each settlement so do not try to deal with them on your own.
Contact an experienced accident lawyer right away after you have had an accident. Most lawyers will offer you a free consultation where you can freely discuss your case. He will listen to all you have to say and then let you know if your case is worth pursuing.
If you both agree to go ahead with the case he will ask you to sign a contingent fee agreement. In essence this states that he will only be paid out of your settlement or jury award.
He might be able to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company you agree to or if he cannot reach a favorable settlement he will take the case to trial and try to win you a jury verdict and award.
From this he will be paid a percentage. Usually he will charge forty percent. This might seem high but remember he has the experience dealing with the insurance company and will get a lot more from them than you could. If you need to find a lawyer to handle your case you can contact your state bar association and ask for experienced personal injury lawyers in your area.