Consulting With a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident Could Save You From Future Health Issues

Share: Consulting With a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident Could Save You From Future Health Issues
Whiplash is a very common injury to the cervical spine or neck, and occurs when the muscles, ligaments, and tendonsare abruptly jerked and hyper-stretched, such as is common in a front or rear collision auto accident.
Consulting with a chiropractor immediately following a car accident, even if you don't have pain at all may be a wise choice for your future health.
Doctors stress that pain intensity does not necessarily measure your need for treatment although pharmaceutical commercials may tell you a different message. The human body will attempt to immobilize the injured area following the accident. This usually begins with "protective" muscle tensions in an attempt to prevent further harm by immobilizing damaged joints and muscles. If function is not restored within 7 to 14 days , scar tissue will be laid down at the site of the injury further hampering the return to full function. This may eventually lead to increased bone growth (osteoarthritis) with the risk of increased disc and joint degeneration. A chiropractic examination should be performed immediately following an accident to determine if an injury is present and to commence chiropractic treatment if necessary.

Share: While home care in the form of ice therapy and a course of an anti-inflammatory medicine following the incident is beneficial for pain, it can be detrimental if not paired with complete chiropractic care. Chiropractors are the only type of physician trained extensively in the biomechanics of the body and how to correct them naturally using hands on techniques. If the pain is masked and the symptoms are not addressed, you can further damage the area by performing activities that you should be avoiding until the underlying whiplash injury has been correctly rehabilitated and healed.
A chiropractic examination can determine the extent of the damage, if any. The best news is that you are 100% fine and that you have nothing to worry about for the future. Chiropractic care for whiplash injuries is often a multi-step treatment program consisting of cryotherapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, spinal manipulation, and therapeutic exercises. A chiropractor's goal is to return the injured joints, muscles, and nerves to complete, healthy function to reduce the increased risk of degeneration.
Although seeking early chiropractic intervention for whiplash following an auto accident is preferential, chiropractors also have success treating patients experiencing pain and dysfunction from long-term, chronic whiplash.

Share: In a July 2007 press release for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, Arthur C. Croft, D.C., M.Sc., M.P.H., F.A.C.O. director of the Spine Research Institute, San Diego, CA and a member of the Foundation stated, "Nearly one out of 15 adult Americans suffers from the annoying and sometimes debilitating long-term effects of whiplash injury, usually in the form of neck stiffness and pain. While chiropractic care in the acute stage can often stave off this unpleasant outcomestudies have shown that even in the chronic stage, chiropractic intervention can provide up to 90 percent relief for these sufferers."
Headaches, pain, stiffness, and fatigued and irritated muscles due to a prior whiplash injury can be relieved or reduced with chiropractic care. A spinal adjustment can return lost function and relive pain and pressure by realigning the joints and restoring proper joint position and movement.
If you have recently been involved in an auto accident and are experiencing muscle tension, tightness, pain, or spasms in your neck or back, consider a visit to your local chiropractor for an examination. It could save you from a lifetime of chronic neck pain.
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Consulting With a Chiropractor After an Auto Accident Could Save You From Future Health Issues Copenhagen