These days anyone with a personal desktop computer or a laptop with an internet connection and decent finances can acquire online education from the comfort of home. Online education can be acquired in a number of academic disciplines from anywhere in the world. What is important is that the college one looks for online education is accredited. Everything has pros and cons so does the online education system. Though the pros of online education may seem to outweigh the cons but the purpose of this article is to highlight some apparent cons of online education system. Below are some cons of online education system highlighted for you.
Self Discipline and Management
The idea of attending online classes from the comfort of home may seem very tempting but it may create hurdles as to discipline oneself to study and be compliant to the basic rules of education such as being regular and punctual, having a proper schedule on a daily basis to follow as in the traditional study system, and managing oneself appropriately when it comes to motivation. Time management skills are the key factor to acquire online education as without them success is indeed not possible.
Technical Reasons
To acquire online education one needs to have an up-to-date computer system along with software applications compatible with the online material provided to study. Moreover, one cannot afford to have a faulty system creating difficulties to remain punctual. A computer is a man made machine and is very likely to malfunction posing real problems to acquire online education.
Social Problems
One needs to be very self reliant to acquire online education as the luxury of consulting classmates when in difficulty in terms of understanding study material and instructions unlike traditional education system where seeking help is easier when things are difficult. The aspect of learning from others such as instructors and other classmates is not there in an online education system.
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