Connecting and Communicating with your Customers in Automobile Industry
Connecting and Communicating with your Customers in Automobile Industry
The car model.
The accessories he wants so that the accessories section could fit them.
The work to be done at workshop ie anti rust etc so that the work shop could process the same and bills could be generated.
The name of sales person who is handling the client.
The details of service reminders get automatically set as per the deadline of dates or could be sent manually so that no one has to personally call the customer.
Bills for accessories and work in work shop could be raised at one go or by the respective section this could be flexible.
After the car is ordered the status of car could be messaged to the customer.
Automated insurance, RTO and other reminders could be set for the client and the management or concerned person to follow up.
The work shop can see all the clients and can raise bills for respective clients . This would help you trace business from one client. Also help you the have centralised billing for analysis.
The customer can see the accessories with photos and can order the same while sitting with the sales person. Billing for the same could be done by the sales person or the person handling the accessories section.
All clients could be wished happy birthday, anniversary, diwali, new year etc greetings automatically via sms and email. This would create good will and increase recall also details of family could be added and messages could be sent to them too.
Can send mass SMS to all clients and leads for promotion.
Can send specific sms ie if there is a exchange offer of maruti wagon r then only wagon r owners could be selected and sent an sms.
Service and maintenance could be set for all car owners.