Cloth Baby Diapers Are Still a Popular Option

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Using cloth baby diapers vs. disposable diapers are an eco-friendly way to diaper your baby. Although they are costly initially, within time they can save you hundreds of dollars. Cloth diapers have come a long way from the old days. Nowadays cloth diapers are made from soft, durable materials that sustain washing and won't irritate baby's skin. Most are made from organic cotton, which is a high quality material that helps prevent diaper rashes and keep the baby clean and comfortable.
Cloth baby diapers have two pieces to them. The outer cover comes in fun colors and designs. Throughout the day as your baby soils the diaper, you replace the other piece of the diaper, which is the liner. Both the cover and the liner can be rewashed and reused. However, you'll want to use one cover per day and switch out the liners to clean ones as needed. Use the thicker liners for the nighttime. Cloth diapers come in many sizes, just like disposable ones. Some cloth diapers are a little different and offer a cloth cover with disposable liners which are biodegradable.
These make a great gift for new parents who are eco-conscious and want to save a little money. Disposable diapers will never degrade in landfills, which poses an ever-growing problem for our next generation. Cloth baby diapers help eliminate some of that garbage and has a positive effect on the child as well. You can buy these online at sites like Amazon and They are sold in-store at places such as Babies R Us and Baby Depot. A starter set will cost you around $20 for seven disposable diapers and liners.
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