Clinical…Community…Private Practice - What's Your Best Dietetics Career Path?

Share: ClinicalCommunityPrivate Practice - What's Your Best Dietetics Career Path
By Mark M. Deutsch, MBA
Whether you are a novice to the field of dietetics or a veteran, it is always a good idea to be aware of opportunities that could be your ideal career. Nutritional professionals continue to be in high demand in the clinical, community, and private practice settings; as well as in the roles of Food Service/Certified Dietary Managers, Nursing Home Administrators, and Hospital Executives. The future is indeed bright, but which path is the best for you?
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the common U.S. worker changes careers 3-5 times during their lifetime and definitely will have tried 11 jobs before they reach the age of 42. If you haven't already had a number of different jobs in nutrition, it's likely that you will.

Share: Thanks to the extensive academic and practical training nutritional professionals go through, you will find the luxury and expertise to make a number of jobs in dietetics viable, though some may be a better fit in your case than others. You work in a growth industry that provides diverse solutions to work toward a similar aim of helping people get and stay in good health through nutrition.
Here are some profiles of personality traits to determine which sort of career in dietetics may best suit you.
1) The Planner You are perceptive and sensitive to how others are feeling and also you take pleasure in bringing structure as well as order to your world. Your talent for organization helps you develop structured programs to assist people achieve their nutrition goals.
If this describes you, you most likely are an excellent clinical dietitian, community nutritionist, private in-person or tele-health counselor. The skills discussed above can also be the makings for a culinary nutritionist working in an upscale restaurant.
2) The Visionary You have a talent for taking the sophisticated and making it easy. You enjoy being social, networking, and leading a team. While you're very social, you also need alone time to process information and develop 40,000 foot solutions.
Your ideal work place might be one that gives you freedom in your daily activities. You possibly can make a great business owner, manager, supermarket/pharmacy dietitian, or independent consultant.
3) The Artist You adore a tough project that can take advantage of your creativity, you have outstanding communication skills, and you are proficient at what ever interests you or ignites your passion. Some might even describe you as an artist. You're self-reliant and independent, so although you love working with others, you may prefer to work solo. You most likely dislike detail-oriented work or structured work environments.
This project-oriented, independent working implies that you have a lot of career options. Get ready to enjoy being a traveling RD, balancing a dozen consulting projects, creating recipes, or maybe writing a blog.
4) The

Share: Entrepreneur You are your work. You're self-motivated, lead by example, committed, and also you don't accept things as they are. Your passion and charisma attract those surrounding you, and you are often a mentor to others. You wouldn't prosper in the military - you need to do things your way.
Your job options are wide-open, as long as you can run the show. So it doesn't matter what path you take, make certain you're the boss!
If not one bucket above describes you perfectly, fret not, you may find that you're a blend of qualities described in more than one category. The bottom line from the hundreds of nutrition professionals I work with every year to seek out their "dream" career, is that they are employed in an environment where their professional interests, desired working environment, and skill sets are all in alignment. So whether you are a Planner, Visionary, Artist, or Entrepreneur, discover the path that gets you excited when you wake up in the morning, and your future in dietetics will continue to be bright.
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