The changing dynamics of modern business leaves very little to chance
. No business firm can afford to allow room for factors beyond control to dictate terms. The same goes for call center companies. When they are looking at different locations to set up a call center, the climate of that place plays a major role. Now that it has come to the fore, it seems like BPO units or any other industry for that matter needs to look at the climactic scenario before they invest money in the project. So why does the call center services providers so keen on locating their units at places where the climate would not act as a hindrance? Let's find out some reasons:
1. Delays: Climactic catastrophes delay the work of call center companies. Several call center majors had to scale down their work when the hurricanes and hailstorms come to town. The employees cannot attend office and there are days when there is no work done. This takes its toll on the telemarketing project. The project gets delayed and the BPO unit cannot meet the deadlines set by the client. Loss of man days also means loss of money and resources. Agents cannot be expected to report to work when there is a red alert on! So, the call centers stay shut as money goes down the drain, along with time. Things take a long while to get back on track.
2. Infrastructure: Areas that have a high degree of chances to be hit by a natural disaster are also unsuitable for infrastructure set up. Call center companies have a delicate and fragile infrastructural set up. There are cables and wires involved, along with electricity, internet and telephone lines. Something like a hurricane or a hailstorm can pull things apart beyond recognition. It may be weeks before the BPO unit can start functioning again. The firm will also have to spend a lot of cash to rebuild what has been torn apart. With the economy in the shape that it is, spending repeatedly on getting the equipment and other necessary infrastructures in place does take a lot of financial drain.
3. Competition: The call center services are always in a state of competition to grab the telemarketing market. They are always fighting it out with rival call center companies to ensure that their brand is the one that captures the consumers. The hindrances caused by the climate push back the BPO units to a considerable degree. It's not easy to claw back into the competition once you are edged out in some way. The business firms who hire these call center units have to deal with this situation and that is why they do not feel comfortable about hiring such telemarketing units for their work. Ultimately it is the loss of the BPO service unit that they cannot cash in on the opportunities that they get along the way because they are located at a disadvantageous geographical location. Business opportunities are hard to come by and no firm would like to lose that. Share: